The new life science building at UIO
The process for thematic areas has started
The life science building will be Norway's largest university building when it is completed in 2024. During the next year, UiO will identify the thematic areas that will characterize the building.
"Whether it is brain health, neurological diseases, antibiotic resistance or other areas, we will know in a year," says UiO's Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation, Per Morten Sandset. He has asked faculties and UiO:Life Science to facilitate different parts of the process.
Environmentally friendly building and environmentally friendly construction site
Minister of Local Government and Modernisation Monica M?land tried the world's first electric excavator on the life science ground 6 June. Project manager at the contracting builder Statsbygg, Per Roger Johansen, and UiO's rector, Svein St?len, were present and informed about the building.
- Read news about the Minister's visit in Uniforum (in Norwegian).
- Read previous news article about the environmental choices that are made for the building (in Norwegian)
Biodiversity, wild flowers and bees on the programme for kindergarten children
Why do we need wild flowers and bees? This is what the eldest children in the University Kindergarten explored when UiO:Life Science and the Agency for Urban Environment invited them to one of the city's flower beds ahead of the Biodiversity Week which is a part of Oslo European Green Capital 2019.
Funding opportunities UiO:Life Science
It is desirable that researchers from both medicine, natural sciences, humanities and social sciences at UiO make use of the funding opportunities.
Active calls
- Biomakerspace: New innovation grant for life science students
Master students at six departments at UiO can apply UiO:Life Science for funding to test innovative ideas in the laboratory. The project is the seed for a biomakerspace in the planned life science building at UiO. The application deadline was originally 13 June, but we would like to receive more applications, and the call will be open till over the summer.
- Open call UiO:Life Science – no deadline
- Support from UiO for events Oslo European green capital 2019 – no deadline
19 June: SPARK Norway Educational Forum: Patenting and the value of trademarks
13 August: Arendalsuka: Pollutants from electronic waste – knowledge-based handling locally and globally
- 10 September: SPARK academic catwalk, Nordic Life Science Days 2019, Malm?
- 11 September: Breakfast meeting at Nationaltheatret with UiO researchers and others on Shark Drunk (Havboka)
- 20 and 21 September: Meet UiO:Life Science and the convergence environments that works on the immune system of humans and cod at Oslo Science Expo (亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录storget in Oslo)
- 24 September: I want you to panic: the role of the education sector in the climate crisis, evening event at Kulturhuset with UiO:Energy, UiO:Nordic and the Student Parliament at UiO as part of the National Science Week
10–13 February 2020: The Oslo Life Science Conference 5 year anniversary. Save the dates!
News from the new interdisciplinary research groups – convergence environments
The Anders Jahre Prize for Young Scientists 2019 to researcher in the convergence environment on mental illnesses
Lars Tjelta Westlye at the Department of Psychology receives the Anders Jahre prize for medical young scientists. Westlye is one of the principal investigators in the UiO:Life Science convergence environment MultiModal Mental Models: converging approaches from genomes to mental illness and interplay with psychosocial stressors (4MENT). Congratulations!
Vacancies in the convergence environments
The convergence environments have received funding from UiO:Life Science for 29 PhD and postdoctoral positions.
MultiModal Mental Models: converging approaches from genome to mental illness and interplay with psychosocial stressors (4MENT)
Doctoral research fellow in imaging genetics and machine learning
The Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences
Deadline: 4 August 2019
- Linguistics-driven machine learning to decipher the molecular language of immunity (ImmunoLingo)
- Ph.D. Research Fellowship in Computational Immunology Research
Institute of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine
Deadline: 12 July 2019 -
Postdoctoral Research Fellow position in antibody engineering and characterization
Institute of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine
Deadline: 12 July 2019
- Ph.D. Research Fellowship in Computational Immunology Research
Rediscovery of medicinal plant usage in the “Age of Exploration”: From cultural historical heritage to innovative pharmaceuticals (REA:Life)
PhD Research Fellow in Pharmacognosy
Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Deadline: 28 June 2019 -
PhD Research Fellowship in Botany
Natural History Museum
Deadline: 20 August 2019
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