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Newsletter UiO:Life Science November 2020

Funding of interdisciplinary research groups - join a new application round

UiO:Life Science funds 14 convergence environments that address major challenges within life sciences related to health,  environment and sustainable growth. A new application round has started. Researchers from all units at UiO are welcome to participate. Interested applicants can sign up for a digital information meeting on either 8 December or 10 December.


Agnete Fredriksen receives the Research Council of Norway's innovation award and donates the prize money to SPARK NorwayImage may contain: Face, Hair, Eyebrow, Forehead, Chin.

The prize of NOK 500,000 is allocated for innovation activities and the prize money Agnete Fredriksen has decided will go to SPARK Norway.


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Published Nov. 30, 2020 2:10 PM - Last modified Aug. 31, 2023 8:58 PM