Partnership for Life 2023

Innovation drivers and access to risk capital

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Partnership for Life is a meeting where global industry representatives meet biotech and academia. We will discuss the future pipeline and hear from world leading companies what valuable innovation look like. The session will also cover the access to competence and risk capital within life sciences after the Covid- 19 pandemic followed by geopolitical instability, increasing inflation and falling stock market. 



Future pipeline and what does valuable innovation look like?

Intro to topic with Sergio Capancioni and Monica Larsen 

A dialogue with:

  • Sergio Capancioni, Director search and evaluation, Abbvie
  • Jonas Einarsson, Oslo Cancer Cluster/Radforsk 
  • Sue Bailey, Senior Director, Geographic Search, Europe Search Lead, Bristol Myers Squibb
  • Trond Methi, Medical director, Novo Nordisk
  • Anders Persson, Executive Director for Ecosystem Strategy & Innovation, AstraZeneca 

Moderator: Monica Larsen, Senior Advisor, LMI


Sergio CapancioniJonas EinarssonTrond MethiAnders Persson

Photo: J. Einarsson: Radforsk

Access to competence and risk capital post Covid

Intro to topic by Gert Munthe, Founding Partner and Chairman, Herkules Capital

A dialogue with:

  • ?yvind Enger, The Life Science Cluster/Partner, Investment Advisor, Sarsia Seed 
  • Ingrid Teigland Akay, Managing Partner, Hadean Ventures 
  • Sebastian Intveen, Director, DNB markets
  • Allon Groth, Chief Communications and Marketing Officer, Eksfin 

Moderator: Jan Erik F?ne, Executive Director Communications, Finance Norway



Ingrid Teigland AkaySebastian IntveenImage may contain: Smile, Sky, Cloud, Collar, Happy.

All day event

Partnership for Life - Matchmaking Meetings

One-to-one matchmaking meetings which aims to match companies and investors with academic research groups and start-ups. 

To participate, you need to create a personal profile in Brella. How to create your personal profile


The conference is fully booked, the registration is closed.

This event is supported by

  • Logo Astra Zeneca
  • Logo Bayer
  • Logo Boston consulting group
  • Logo Novo Nordisk
  • Microsoft logo


  • Logo Legemiddelindustrien
  • Logo Oslo Life Science Cluster


  • Logo Legemiddelindustrien
  • Logo Oslo Life Science Cluster
  • Oslo Cancer Cluster logo
  • Logo Inven2