Sustainable food – for our health and environment?

Get updated on the latest research on sustainable food and diet. Topics: Circular economy for more sustainable feed and food production and new sources of nutrients; Sustainable animal and plant-based food; and Gene technology in future food production for our health and the environment.

Swipe on the arrows on the pictures in the image carousel below to see pictures and watch videos from the event.

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Main target groups: Researchers and students at UiO and NMBU


Registration from 08:30 AM

09.00–10.15 Session 1

Professor Finn-Eirik Johansen, chairperson the board UiO:Life Science and vice dean research the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UiO


Dean Anne Storset, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, NMBU


Circular economy for more sustainable feed and food production and new sources of nutrients

Professor John Crawford, Rothamsted Research, UK

Soil and health

Crawford is a theoretical biologist with a research focus on systems approaches. He works on the integrated behaviour of the soil-plant-microbe system; microbiology; the structure and dynamics of plant and microbial communities; and in the systems biology of plant, microbial and human cells.


Professor Anne Kjersti Uhlen, Faculty of Biosciences, Department of Plant Sciences, NMBU

Sustainable foods through innovative utilization of plant proteins

Professor Kirsten B. Holven, Department of Nutrition, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, UiO

Is Salmon fishmeal a future sustainable and healthy ingredients for human consumption?

Associate Professor Thomas S?ther, Department of Nutrition, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, UiO

Digging into the ocean’s molecular treasure trove: Marine bioprospecting for anti-diabetic activities

Professor Ketil Hylland,Department of Biosciences, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UiO

We are all one: contaminants in the environment and our food

10.15–10.45 Coffee break

10:45–12.05 Session 2

Sustainable animal and plant-based food

Helle Margrete Meltzer, Research director, Department of Infection Control and Environmental Health, The Norwegian Institute of Public Health

Sustainable diet

Meltzer is member of a group in The National Nutrition Council which released their report about sustainable diet in November 2017. She will present this report at the conference. She is also member of same workgroup workgroup as Usman Mushatq in Health&Care 21 (see below).

Usman Mushtaq, Medical Doctor, Member of the EAT Board of Trustees

A research and innovation system for a health promoting and sustainable diet

Mushtaq is member of the Health&Care21 group that published their recommendation in the report about a research and innovation system for a health promoting and sustainable diet (in Norwegian Et forsknings- og innovasjonssystem for helsefremmende og b?rekraftig kosthold) in June 2017. He will present this report at the conference. He will also touch upon other initiatives from the EAT foundation.

Professor, Randi Oppermann Moe, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Production Animal Clinical Sciences, NMBU

Animal welfare: what is it and why should we care?

Associate Professor Marina Elisabeth Aspholm, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Food Safety and Infection Biology, NMBU

Bacterial supersurvivors – the good and the bad ones

Professor ?ystein Evensen, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Basic Sciences and Aquatic Medicine, NMBU

Vaccination of farmed fish – from old to new technologies

Researcher Anders Nielsen, Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis, Department of Biosciences, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UiO

The complex interplay between agriculture and biodiversity

Gene technology in future food production for our health and the environment

Researcher Mia Eikeset, Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis, Department of Biosciences, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UiO

The interplay between ecology, evolution and economics when harvesting fish stocks: how they adapt and the implications for management

Researcher Jon Olav Vik, Faculty of Biosciences, Department of Animal and Aquacultural Sciences, NMBU

Digital production biology: From genes to food

12.05–13.00 Lunch

Published June 23, 2017 12:35 PM - Last modified Jan. 10, 2023 5:11 PM