What is UiO:Energy and Environment?
UiO:Energy and Environment is one of the university's three interdisciplinary initiatives, in addition to UiO:Democracy and UiO:Life Sciences.

The aim of the initiative is to contribute to a large-scale energy transition while reducing climate and environmental issues. The transition must be just and take consequences on ecosystems and biodiversity into account.
Main research areas and cross cutting themes
UiO:Energy and Environment has four main research areas and three cross-cutting themes. The main research areas are based on the society's needs, strong research environments at the University of Oslo, and opportunities for external funding.
The four research areas:
- Energy transition and the environment
People society and climate
Energy systems, materials and models
A carbon neutral society
The three cross-cutting themes: A just transition, digitalisation and innovation.
Strategy 2023-2027
The strategy of UiO:Energy and Environment is valid for the period 2023-2027.
Mandate and organising
Here you will find information about the mandate, purpose, organising, authority, instruments, and the appointment of the board for UiO:Energy and Environment.
Communication strategy
The communication strategy governs the communication work of UiO:Energy and Environment in the period 2023-2027.

- Started in 2012
- The budget for 2024 is 20 million NOK
- The Faculty of Social Sciences is the host faculty
- An independent successor to the initiative UiO:Energy
- The initiative will run from 2023 to 2027
Contact us
Vebj?rn Bakken, Director, UiO:Energy and Environment
Katinka Elisabeth Gr?nli, Administrative coordinator, UiO:Energy and Environment
Maria Elise Dyvik, Coordinator for studies and collaboration, UiO:Energy and Environment
Ingvild Budal Jacobsen, Coordinator for events and communication, UiO:Energy and Environment