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The UiO:Energy and Environment Board

The Board for UiO:Energy and Environment is appointed by the rector. It has seven members appointed for the period 2023-2024.


  • Bj?rn Jamtveit, vise dean at the The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences


  • Lars Tjelta Westlye, Pro-dean of research, Faculty of Social Sciences
  • Mathilde Skoie, Pro-Dean of research, Faculty of Humanities
  • Sidsel Roalkvam, Centre Director, Centre for Development and the Environment (SUM)
  • Finn Arnesen, Head of Department, Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law
  • Polina Malinina, Student representative, Student Parliament (appointed by the Student Parliament for the period 01.07.2024-30.06.2025)
  • Sabrina Sartori (representative of the employees), Professor, Department of Technology Systems

Deputy Members

  • Erik Knain, Vice Dean, Faculty of Education
  • Lene Frost Andersen, Head of Department, Faculty of Medicine
  • Brit Lisa Skjelkv?le, Museum Director, Natural History Museum
  • Mathias Meyer, student representative with right to speak and propose (appointed by the Student Parliament for the period 01.07.2024-30.06.2025)

Director Vebj?rn Bakken supported by the UiO:Energy and Environment staff is secretary of the board.


Published Jan. 1, 2023 10:49 AM - Last modified Sep. 10, 2024 2:23 PM