There will be four talks, followed by a panel debate about the next generation energy systems. The speakers are:
- "The social life of energy shortage: ‘Load shedding’ and its end in a Nepali town", Mikkel Vindegg, UiO, Department of Social Anthropology
- "CCMS – Carbon Capture in Molten Salts", Heidi Samuelsen Nyg?rd, NMBU, Faculty of Science and Technology
- "Flexibility in Energy Systems - Why 100 % Renewables is a Challenge", Lotte L?land Nordal, Statkraft - Strategy Development
- "Can we make fuel in the future from... simply air?", Athanasios Eleftherios Chatzitakis, UiO, Centre for Materials Science and Nanotechnology
The presentations will be followed by a panel debate on:
- Next generation energy systems
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