The event was coordinated by UiO:Energy and Environment, in collaboration with the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and the University of Bergen (UiB), as well as the two centres for environment-friendly energy MoZEES and NTRANS.
NorRen 2023 brought together a diverse group of students and experts around topics of green industrial transformation and decarbonization.
Enlightening lectures
The interdisciplinary and interactive program included a mix of expert talks, lectures, and collaborative group activities. It convened a multidisciplinary and very international group of PhD students from NTNU, University of Stavanger (UiS), Norwegian School of Economics (NHH), University of Oslo (UiO), Western Norway Research institute and Eidgen?ssische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETH).

At Langesund, they had the opportunity to interact with experts from various fields and gain different perspectives on industrial transition issues. Insightful lectures were delivered by a diverse group of experts from University of Agder (UiA), Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), NTNU, UiB and UiO.
The wide range of topics covered included the role of the energy system in decarbonization, hydropower, wind power, sustainable battery value chains, innovation processes, questions of work and labour in a green economy, corporate greenwashing and CO2-pricing mechanisms.
Industrial site visits
In addition, NorRen showcased industry actors who shared insights into their ongoing transitions.

First stop was Her?ya Industry Park (HIP), one of Norway’s largest industrial parks. Students received a comprehensive lecture on HIPs history and current transition initiatives, followed by a guided tour of the park by bus and a closer look at of some of Yara’s production facilities. The visit concluded with a series of lectures at the companies’ technology centre, discussing a selection of ongoing initiatives for achieving climate neutrality by 2050. Green ammonia (from renewables) is a key component in the decarbonization of fertilizer production.
Second stop was Heidelberg Materials’ cement plant in Brevik. Heidelberg Materials as well as Aker Carbon Capture personnel presented the Brevik CCS project, one of the most advanced projects in industrial carbon capture and storage (CCS). Large amounts of CO2 is produced in the cement process itself, and needs to be captured (and stored) to eliminate these emissions. Brevik CCS is part of the Norwegian Longship project, which reflects the Norwegian government's ambition to develop a full-scale CCS value chain in Norway by 2024.
The group was given an overview of the ongoing construction and had the opportunity to see the recently installed absorber - the “heart” of the carbon capture process.

- Social interaction and academic enrichment

Among the participants was PhD-student Mina Masoomi from the Department of Business at NHH.
- NorRen summer school was a was a truly unique combination of social interaction and academic enrichment. A dynamic environment for learning and the emergence of deep connections is created in this exciting setting by the convergence of varied interests, says Mina.
Another PhD-student attending was Elif Tezel from the Department of Chemistry at UiO.

- Meeting PhD students and lecturers from diverse backgrounds and disciplines was enlightening. I am really thankful for the experience for broadening my perspective and making me realize the bigger picture. Also, industrial site visits were a great contribution to summer school and allowed us to understand better the practical aspects, says Elif.
Engaged student participation
The summer school aims to foster active engagement. On the first day, each student had the opportunity to present their PhD research in a four-minute pitch, quickly getting to know their fellow participants and respective areas of research. Afterwards, participants were divided into groups that collaborated on an interdisciplinary assignment throughout the week, the results of which were presented on the final day.
Frequent and lively discussions made the week an interactive and engaging learning experience.