Add a new or remove an administrator / owner of a mailing list

1 - Log in and select list

Log in to Click on My lists and select the list you want to manage.

Under List Configuration click on Modify owners or moderators (editors)???????.

2 - Add or remove administrator

Add the email address and name of the new administrator, or check the box to the right of the administrator(s) you want to remove.

If you want to add more administrators, you must save first - then a new empty field will appear.

If all the administrators of a list are removed, the list will be deactivated.

3 - Save changes

Then go to the bottom of the page and click on Apply modifications.

Tip: It always pays to have several administrators on a list. Then there are several people who can share in managing the list and can make changes to the list even if the administrator is absent.

Options for administrators

At a minimum, you need to enter the email address of an administrator. 

If you fill in the name of the administrator under name it will appear instead of the email address on the information page of the list. Under private information, you can enter a short comment about the administrator. No notifications controls whether the administrator should have e-mails sent to the administrator(s) of the list, and concealed from list menu whether the administrator should be visible on the information page of the list.

On lists that have several administrators, the choices for whether the administrator should receive e-mail and be visible can be used to distinguish between passive and active administrators.

Published Aug. 2, 2024 10:05 AM - Last modified Aug. 2, 2024 10:05 AM