2016-01-20 New feature: Web browser login to Linux VMs!

Dear TSD users,

from today all the linux users in TSD have the possibility to connect to their linux VM by simply using a web-browser. The new method (based on the Thinlinc protocol) is user-friendly and stable and makes the login procedure a lot faster. Please read how to use thinlinc and start using it right away!


The biggest change (beside the user-friendliness) is that now the linux VMs are on the WMVare rigg and are not any longer personal linux VMs but linux RHEL  servers (called pXX-tl01-l). However in term of functionalities there are no differences between a personal vm and a server vm.
The old linux personal VMs (pXX-<username>-l) are still up and running on the RHEV rig, and you can login to them by using the SPICE protocol. However we strongly suggest to test and eventually start using the new linux servers as soon as possible. In fact the machine on RHEV will be disabled at latest in three weeks time from now. You will receive a notification few days before. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us (tsd-drift@usit.uio.no).
Enjoy thinlinc: it is a revolution!


By Francesca
Published Jan. 21, 2016 9:50 AM - Last modified Nov. 18, 2016 8:26 AM