What can I store in UiO-Dropbox?

  • In Dropbox, you can store data and share it with your co-workers, when other share- and collaboration platforms (Vortex or Office 365/OneDrive) can not be used. An example is if Dropbox is defined as a collaboration platform by other external users.
  • Dropbox is not meant to replace existing workflows with data storage on UiO-shared areas, ephorte, Vortex and others. Dropbox is not a place for permanent data storage. There are other tools for permanent data storage at UiO. If you are unsure about where data should be stored, ask your nearest leader. 
  • Dropbox is not a replacement for Canvas, which is UiO's preferred tool for education.

Information categories that can be stored in UiO-Dropbox

OPpbevare p? Dropbox. Gr?nn og gul kategori: ja. R?d og  svart kategori: neiThe IT security manager's decision is that data within these classes can be stored in UiO-Dropbox:

  • Green - open
  • Yellow - limited

Examples of green and yellow data

Examples of green and yellow data can be: work-related documents, research articles (drafts and finished articles), doctoral papers, research data (images, statistics and other results), teaching material, and other non-sensitive business-related information.


The decision has been made for security reasons in compliance with the IT regulations and the Norwegian privacy laws. Read more about the differences between UiO-Dropbox and a regular Dropbox in What is UiO-Dropbox.

Sensitive data can not be stored in Dropbox

Red data (sensitive data) must not be stored in Dropbox, regardless if it is an UiO account or if you are the registered owner.

Examples of sensitive data include but are not limited to: data containing names, salary, address, disease profiles, dietary habits, or other sensitive data such as MR images, DNA data, video or images of patients. 

To store such data in any cloud solution such as Dropbox is a violation of privacy laws and contradicts with the IT regulations at UiO. Sensitive data should only be stored in approved locations.

Differentiate between private data and UiO-data

UiO-Dropbox is meant for storing UiO-data and should not be used as storage for private documents, images or video. If you have the need for private storage, then create a personal Dropbox with your personal (non-UiO) email addresse.

Published Feb. 14, 2022 11:17 AM - Last modified Feb. 14, 2022 11:17 AM