Editing a web page in Vortex

Go to the page you wish to edit, and click the Log in link at the bottom right of the screen.

  1. Open your web browser and go to the web page you wish to edit.
  2. Click the Log in link at the bottom right of the screen. Please note that if you are already logged in, the link to click will be Manage document, instead of Log in. If the web page is in Norwegian, the links will be Logg inn and Administrer dette dokumentet. 
  3. Log in using your UiO user name and password. Vortex opens to the View tab. The tabs can be seen close to the top of the page.
  4. Click the Edit tab. The page is now open in Edit mode and you can make the needed changes.
  5. Click the Save and view button at the bottom/top of the page when you have finished the editing. This saves your changes and quits Edit mode.
  6. The page is now back in View mode and you can see the actual results of your editing.
  7. If the page needs more editing, click the Edit tab, make your changes and click Save and view again.
  8. When you have the desired result, you can navigate away from the edited page.

The Vortex tabs appear towards the top of the page.





User's guide for CKeditor

A detailed user's guide for the different elements you can insert (including an explanation of all the icons) is available on docs.cksource.com.


Published Nov. 2, 2010 2:36 PM - Last modified Dec. 9, 2011 4:30 PM