Svetla Tzviatkova Kovatcheva

Lecturer - Administrasjonen
Available hours Etter avtale.
Visiting address Moltke Moes vei 30-32 Georg Morgenstiernes hus 0851 Oslo
Postal address Postboks 1082 Blindern 0317 Oslo

Information for Students and Others

  • I can be reached via email

Academic Interests

  • Norwegian as a second/foreign language
  • Translation, interpreting
  • Academic writing (English and Norwegian)
  • Language for professional communication (law, medicine)
  • Public relations
  • Law, politics, economics, and public affairs 
  • Government certified interpreter category B in Nasjonalt tolkeregister in Norway
  • Government certified translator in Norway 

Extra-academic Interests

  • Visual communication, fashion, cinema, art, design 

Tasks performed (selected items)

Courses taught at The International Summer School

Education and Courses (selected items)

  • September 2023-May 2024 - Public sector interpreting, 30 credits, HVL and University of Bergen 
  • January-May 2023 - Employment Law (JFVU1300 Arbeidsrett), 10 credits, Faculty of Law, University of Oslo 
  • August 2018-March 2019 - English for Lawyers (JFSPR1110 Engelsk for jurister, 10 credits), Faculty of Law, University of Oslo
  • August 2018 - Member of The Association of State Authorized Translators in Norway
  • August 2018 - State Authorized Translator from Bulgarian to Norwegian, The Norwegian School of Economics, Bergen, and The Ministry of Education and Research 
  • 2016 -  Certificate of Legal English Language, Cambridge University
  • 2015-2016 - leadership courses at the University of Oslo,  University of Oslo.
  • 2015 - 2020 - University Pedagogy, 210 hours in total. University of Oslo.
  • November 2011 - State Authorized Interpreter Norwegian-Bulgarian/ Bulgarian-Norwegian. Approved: English-Norwegian/Norwegian-English
  • May 2009 - Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE), Cambridge University
  • Spring semester 2007 - Cand.philol. Degree in Scandinavian Languages, Faculty of Humanities, University of Oslo, Norway

Thesis: "Languages in the EU. The language development in the institutions of the European Union - a case study" (in Norwegian bokm?l)

Guest researcher and trainee at The Directorate-General for Interpretation at the European Commission in Brussels (schoolarship from The Faculty of Humanities at The University of Oslo, May 2005)

Schoolarship from the European Commission for a trainee period of 6 months at The Publications Office of The European Union in Luxembourg (2008)

  • Spring semester 1997 - "Norwegian as a second language" (Norsk som andrespr?k, ?rsenhet, 60 studiepoeng, Institutt for lingvistiske og nordiske studier ved Universitetet i Oslo).     
  • 2000-2002 - Master of Science Degree in Strategy&International Business, The Norwegian School of Management BI, Sandvika

Field of Specialization: Petroleum Economics&Administration

Thesis: "The re-emerging role of Russia as a large energy supplier. A case study of the Russian oil and gas industry" (in English)


  • Bulgarian - native language

  • Norwegian, English - fluent in speaking and writing

  • Russian, German - very good in speaking and writing

  • Italian, French - basic competence
  • Working knowledge of other Scandinavian languages (Swedish, Danish), and Slavic languages (Serbian, Macedonian)

Media Outreach (selected items)

  • Language consultant for an information video  produced by Rosa Project in Norway which provides information about the national telephone for information and assistance to victims of human trafficking, October 2019 
  • Language consultant for two documentary films for NRK1 Brennpunkt (Norwegian National Broadcasting Corporation Channel 1, November 2016-April 2017) 

"Lykkelandet" and "Jenter til salgs" 

Interviews for National radio channel in Bulgaria and the largest daily Bulgarian newspapers about the events on 22 July 2011




Tags: Norwegian for International Researchers, Norwegian for Academics (NORA), International Summer School (ISS), Nordic Branding


Publications, Books, and Other (selected items)

  • Kovatcheva, Svetla T. (2021). "To Sanda with Love". A Lifetime Dedicated to Norwegian Language and Literature. Papers in Honour of Professor Sanda Tomescu Baciu.  Published by The Scandinavian Department at The Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. p. 194. 
  • Kovatcheva, Svetla T. (2018). Spr?k i EU. En studie av spr?kutviklingen i EUs institusjoner: fra Roma-traktaten til Brexit. Papers in Scandinavian Studies Skandinavisztikai Füzetek.  ISSN 0236-6010.  (12), s 95- 116

Conferences, Seminars, Presentations, Workshops, Lectures, Invited Talks in Norway and Internationally since 2016 (selected items)

  • December 2024: Guest lecturer at The University of Sofia "Kliment Ohridski", Bulgaria
  • February 2024: Guest lecturer at The University in Vilnius, Lithuania. External Financing
  • December 2023: Guest lecturer at The University of Vienna, Austria. External Financing

"Norge i 2023: om oljen, velferdsstaten og tillitssamfunnet"

"Om s?rskriving, sammenskriving, subjektsregelen, engelsk p?virking og andre spr?klige utfordringer i norsk"

  • 1st December 2022: Guest lecturer at The University in Vienna, Austria. External financing.

"Det norske oljeeventyret - om den norske olje- og gassindustrien fra 1960-tallet til i dag"

Language workshop: oil and gas industry related terminology in Norwegian 

  • Маi 2022: Guest lecturer at The University in Vienna, Austria. Cooperation project with The University in Vienna and The University in Budapest ELTE for a seminar with guest lectures on the occasion of 17 May, Norway? s national day. External financing.

Guest lecture: "Den norske Grunnloven i et historisk og lingvistisk perspektiv"

  • November 2021: Guest lecturer at The Department of Scandinavian Languages and Literature ELTE, University in Budapest, Hungary, Project leader and collaborator in Norway, collaboration with ELTE, University in Budapest, Hungary, and University in Vienna, Austria. External financing.
  • November 2021: Guest lecturer (via Zoom) at The Department of Scandinavian Languages and Literature of the Faculty of Letters at Babe?-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. External financing
  • November 2021: Guest lecturer at the annual communication?s seminar at Oslo University Hospital: "Nye muligheter p? tolkefeltet. Tolking via telefon og vide/skjerm: Hva har vi l?rt av pandemien." Financed by Oslo University Hospital.
  • 12 November 2020: Guest lecturer at Fagspr?kseminaret. Main collaborator  and project leader at the University of Oslo, collaboration project between 3 European universities. External financing
  • 25 and 26 June 2020: Guest lectures and workshops at ISSN0140 Intensivt kurs i norsk for viderekomne, The International Summer School
  • 29 May 2020 Guest lecturer (Zoom-based) at The Department for Scandinavian studies at Baku State University, Azerbaijan

Part of the "Online classes with guest lecturers" (during the COVID-19 pandemic)

"Den velsignede valgfriheten, det forbaskede konsekvenseriet. Valgfriheten i norsk bokm?l"

  • 1-4 March 2020: Co-organizer of the event "Norske dager at BBU. Romania2020"  at The Department of Scandinavian Languages and Literature of the Faculty of Letters at Babe?-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. External financing

Guest lectures and seminars for bachelor?s and master?s students:

1. ""Juss er tekst, og tekst er spr?k." Juridisk oversettelse: Om sammenhengen mellom spr?k og rettskultur"

2. "The Norwegian legal system in a comparative perspective". "Det norske rettssystemet i et komparativt perspektiv"

3. "The adjectives in Norwegian: between morphology and lexicology". "Adjektiv i norsk. I krysningspunktet mellom morfologi og leksikologi"

"Norway and the European Union: 25 years of cooperation still going strong", in occassion of the 25th anniversary of the EEA Agreeement which entered into force on 1 January 1994 and Georgia? s application for a membership in the EU

"Justice and Law: The Norwegian Legal System: History, Foundation and Current Trends"

  • 12 March 2018: "Der spr?k m?ter medisin" ("Where Languages meet Medicine"). Presentation at the The Norwegian Psychiatric Association Annual Congress in Bergen, Norway. 

1. "Norge i verden, og verden i norsk politikk" 2. "Norge og EU: en historisk oversikt" 3."Norge og EU: Utenfor og innenfor - 25 ?r med europeisk 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录. 4. "Norge og Brexit: Konsekvenser for Norge etter 25 ?r med europeisk 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录" 5. "Om konsekvensene av E?S-avtalen: innvandring til Norge. 6. "Hva skal vi leve av etter oljen: om Statens pensjonsfond utland "oljefondet""

"Norway, the European Union, the EEA Agreement and Brexit: What wil be the Implications for Norway after 25 years of European Cooperation?".

"The Slavic Languages and Norwegian: A Contrastive Perspective"

"Justice and Law: The Norwegian Legal System. History, Foundation and Major Trends."

"Jeg trives best med to og et halvt: Om norsk spr?khistorie, spr?knormering og grammatisk kj?nn." 

"Le système juridique en Norvège et sa langue juridique" (The Court System in Norway and the language of law. Domstolsystemet i Norge og det juridiske fagspr?k)

"About interpreting and the role of the interpreter. From The European Commission to The Supreme Court." 

"The gender system, particularly the femininum, in Norwegian bokm?l"


  • Kovatcheva, Svetla T. (2018). Spr?k i EU. En studie av spr?kutviklingen i EUs institusjoner: fra Roma-traktaten til Brexit. Papers in Scandinavian Studies Skandinavisztikai Füzetek. ISSN 0236-6010. p. 95–116.

View all works in Cristin

  • Kovatcheva, Svetla T. (2016). Foredrag p? det obligatoriske emnekurset ?Transkulturell psykiatri? for leger i spesialisering for spesialiteten ungdoms- og voksenpsykiatri: ?Der spr?k m?ter medisin. Praktisk bruk av tolk ved psykiatrisk utredning? (p? norsk bokm?l) .
  • Kovatcheva, Svetla T. (2016). Gjesteforelesning p? det internasjonale l?rerseminaret ved Den internasjonale sommerskole ved Universitetet i Oslo: "Fra EU-kommisjonen til H?yesterett. Om ? jobbe som tolk".
  • Kovatcheva, Svetla T. (2016). Gjesteforelesning p? The Nordic Week konferansen ved Sorbonne-University, Paris:"Jeg trives best med to og et halvt: Om norsk spr?khistorie, spr?knormering og grammatisk kj?nn.".
  • Kovatcheva, Svetla T. (2007). Hovedfagsoppgave i nordisk, s?rlig norsk spr?k og litteratur, Universitetet i Oslo: "Spr?k i EU. En casestudie om flerspr?kligheten i EUs institusjoner" . Universitetet i Oslo.
  • Kovatcheva, Svetla T. (2002). MSc thesis at The Norwegian School of management BI: "The re-emerging role of Russia as a large energy supplier. A case study of the Russian oil and gas industry" . The Norwegian School of Management BI, Sandvika/Oslo.

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Published Apr. 6, 2020 12:32 PM - Last modified Jan. 23, 2025 4:40 PM