Withdrawing from an exam
A student may withdraw from an exam/course by Friday in week 4 at the very latest. The student must notify the ISS Office.
If the student does not meet for the examination and fails to notify the ISS Office before the deadline, they will be registered with an attempt at passing the examination and the result “Did Not Meet” (the course will not be included in a transcript).
If the student withdraws and wants to take the exam at a later date, they must pay the entire fee and attend the course again in order to take the exam.
Special examination arrangements
If a student has a disability or a health problem that entails significant inconvenience in an examination situation, they may be considered for special examination arrangements.
Students may apply for special examination arrangements by Wednesday July 17 (or as soon as possible so that appropriate arrangements can be made) by submitting a special request form to the ISS Office with accompanying medical documentation.
Only students with legitimate requests can receive special examination arrangements.