Reading list and course schedule

Course leaders are contacted by the ISS for reading lists and course schedule in January/February.

The reading material is listed in the reading list for each course in Leganto.

The deadline for submitting the syllabus/ reading list is March 15. The deadline for submitting the course plan is March 15.

How to send in reading list and course schedule

How to fill in the reading list and course schedule

What to include

The course schedule and reading list must include:

  1. Time and date of each class session (at least tentatively; smaller changes can be made to the schedule)
  2. Topic of each class session
  3. General reading list for the course, separated into required and optional reading.
  4. Articles to be read before/to be discussed in each class session, both required and suggested readings
  5. Deadlines for submitting course work and the date of the examination(s)
  6. Required course work (if applicable)
  7. Form(s) of examination and the weighting of examination sections

How to update a reading list

When updating an existing reading, you must submit:

  1. A list of all texts to be included in the compendium, specifying: author, title, year, publisher, publication, and page numbers.
  2. If there are any new texts: original printed material (books)/ texts.

When requesting a new reading list, you must submit:

  1. The complete citation of all texts to be included in the reading list, specifying: author, title, year, publisher, publication, and page numbers.
  2. The order in which the texts should appear.
  3. For all texts: original printed material, high quality photocopies or PDF files of the texts.
  4. Placing book orders: If you are going to use books as part of the reading list, we will contact the university library to see if we have, or can purchase, digital editions if these are available. If digital editions are not available at UiO, the students will have to purchase these books themselves but it is best to choose books that are available online as it can be difficult and expensive for some students to obtain physical copies.

  5. About digital access: If the material is available online at the university library or has open access, we will make links to it in the online reading list. However, everything not available online at UiO (or open access) will be added in your compendium (which will be made available to the students in Leganto). We will go through your list, and we will let you know if you are using material not available at UiO. Please make sure the readings in your reading list match the readings your course schedule

  6. About scanning printed material: If you already know that you are going to use materials not available online at UiO, we will need from you either high quality photocopies or original printed material sent to the ISS office. The UiO publishers of the reading lists prefer to scan documents themselves. Please note that it might be late June/early July before the originals are returned to you. If you are unsure if the material is available or not, please contact us and we will check. You do not have to resend material which has been in a printed compendium earlier at UiO. The ISS address you have to send the originals to is: 
    International Summer School 
    University of Oslo 
    P.O. Box 1082 Blindern 
    NO-0317 OSLO

More information about reading lists

For general information on reading lists and the system Leganto, see more information here.

If you have any questions about the reading list, please contact the ISS administration.

Loaning course textbooks

Course leaders and lecturers (NORAIN courses) may borrow one copy of the course textbook from the ISS Office.

Copying rights and restrictions

There are strict rules regarding copying rights and restrictions, and all course leaders must read this information carefully.

Books, articles, and compendia used in the various courses cannot be borrowed from the University Library and shall not be photocopied for the students, as this would violate copyright regulations. Course leaders and lecturers are free to provide students with handouts as long as this does not infringe the Kopinor agreement on photocopying. 



Published Oct. 7, 2016 10:40 PM - Last modified Feb. 12, 2025 3:43 PM