International Night

We invite you to take part in the International Night created by and for our students! This is an evening of celebrating the many different cultures attending this year's summer school, with student made food and entertainment.

A musical performance

Photo: UiO

All ISS students are invited to take part in the amazing International Night! This event is a highlight of the Summer School. 

It consists of a show of various performances from this year's ISS students. The evening will take place at R?nningen Folkeh?yskole.

ISS students are encouraged to contribute with a cultural performance from their country: like a song, a dance, or a musical piece.

Sign up to perform:

Perform: (deadline Wednesday July 17, at 11:59 am. Final run-through of performances will take place at 16:30 on Friday)


Sign up to cook:

Cook: (deadline is Tuesday, July 16, at 11:59 am.)

Location: R?nningen campus, Myrerskogveien 54.

Performers show a dance from an african country.


Tags: International Summer School (ISS), International students, cultural exchange
Published June 10, 2024 1:05 PM - Last modified July 15, 2024 3:24 PM