European Policy Experimentations in the field of Education and Training

European policy experimentations are trans-national cooperation projects led by high-level public authorities.

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European policy experimentations involve testing the relevance, effectiveness, potential impact and scalability of policy measures through parallel field trials in different countries, based on (semi-) experimental approaches and common evaluation protocols. By combining strategic leadership, methodological soundness and a strong European dimension, they enable mutual learning and support evidence-based policy at European level.

The specific objectives of this call are to:

  • Promote trans-national cooperation and mutual learning among public authorities at the highest institutional level of the eligible countries in order to foster systemic improvement and innovation in the education and training fields,
  • Enhance the collection and analysis of substantive evidence to ensure the successful implementation of innovative measures,
  • Facilitate the transferability and scalability of innovative measures.

The priority themes for this call are:

LOT 1:

  • Digital education and competences
  • Teaching and teachers

LOT 2:

  • Funding mechanisms for upskilling and reskilling, including schemes similar to Individual Learning Accounts
  • Policy and processes to support the validation of non-formal and informal learning, including through effective guidance


This is a two-stage call with the following deadlines:

21 April at 17.00 CET: deadline for pre-proposals

24 September at 17.00 CET: deadline for full proposals

More information 

Read the call for more information.

Publisert 16. mars 2020 11:10 - Sist endret 31. aug. 2021 21:21