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Tidligere arrangementer - Side 125

Tid og sted: , Room 3508, Kristine Bonnevies hus

Friday seminar by Lorenzo Ciannelli

Tid og sted: , Rom 304 (Peisestua)

Marit Sandstad, Institutt for teoretisk astrofysikk, UiO

Tid og sted: , NHA, seminarrom B71

Fred Shultz, Wellesley College (USA) will give a talk with title "Affine automorphisms of the convex set of separable states, and decompositions of separable states".

Tid og sted: , B 63 NHA

For simplisielle mengder X og Y gir projeksjonene X x Y -> X og X x Y -> Y fra produktet ned p? henholdsvis f?rste og annen faktor opphav til en simplisiell avbildning f : Sd( X x Y ) -> Sd X x Sd Y fra den normale oppdelingen av produktet til produktet av oppdelingene. Vi viser at for endelige simplisielle mengder X og Y er denne en simpel avbildning, det vil si at n?r vi g?r over til topologiske rom s? er punktinversene |f|^{-1}(p), p element i |Y|, kontraktible. 

Tid og sted: , Rom Alpha-Omega, Norsk Regnesentral

Sjur Westgaard (NTNU) skal snakke om

Modelling and forecasting electricity price risk using volatility adjusted quantile regression

Tid og sted: , Room 3508, Kristine Bonnevies hus

Friday seminar by Neil Roberts

Tid og sted: , Rom 304 (Peisestua)

Unni Fuskeland, Institutt for teoretisk astrofysikk, UiO

In nature, groups of individuals organize globally using only local information. For instance, in a school of fish, there are no external forces to coordinate the group, no leader to guide them. Several mathematical models have been proposed to describe self-organization. In this talk, we will consider two of the most famous models; the Keller-Segel model for bacterial chemotaxis and the Cucker-Smale model for flocking. The emphasis will be on recent mathematical results and remaining open questions. Starting from the microscopic description on particle level, we will discuss the derivation of mesoscopic and macroscopic models at the continuum level. Since the motivation for deriving continuum models is largely numerical, we will also discuss distinct numerical challenges with the resulting models.
Tid og sted: , Room 3315, Kristine Bonnevies hus

Friday seminar by Dag Undlien (room 3315)

Tid og sted: , The auditorium at the research building, Radium Hospital

Two guest lectures by professor William G. Thilly, Professor of Genetics, Toxicology and Biological Engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Tid og sted: , 9th floor. NHA building
The gas pipeline from the Ormen Lange Field to the terminal at Aukra faced several challenges. First, the terrain was very rugged as the route goes through the Storegga slide area where unprecedented long free spans were to be expected. Secondly, the area was believed to have complicated and strong ocean currents. An oceanographic campaign was started in 1999 and lasted to 2007. The presentation will give some background for the measurements, describe the programme and show some results.
Tid og sted: , B1036

Jan Pedersen, Uni. Aarhus, holder et seminar med tittelen:  Stochastic integration on the real line

Tid og sted: , Akersgata 59, audtioriet (R5)

Partnerforums fjerde m?te i ?konomistyringsnettverket


 Scot Rafkin, Southwest Research Institute

Tid og sted: , Seminarrom B81, NH Abels hus

Erik Vanem (Matematisk Institutt, Universitetet i Oslo) skal snakke om

A Bayesian hierarchical space-time model of significant wave height

Tid og sted: , B1036

Rodwell Kufakunesu, Uni. Pretoria, holder et seminar med tittelen: On Embedded Options - Do We Really Need Jumps And Stochastic Volatility?

Tid og sted: , B1036

Raouf Ghomrasni, AIMS (Cape Town),  holder et seminar med tittelen: A generalized occupation time formula 

Tid og sted: , Room 3508

Friday seminar by Kim Sneppen

Tid og sted: , Rom 304 (Peisestua)

Kaare Aksnes, Institutt for teoretisk astrofysikk, UiO

Tid og sted: , B1036

Takuji Arai, Uni. Keio, holder et seminar med tittelen: An explicit representation of locally risk-minimizing hedging strategy for Levy markets

Tid og sted: , Room 3508, Kristine Bonnevies hus

Friday seminar by Preben Boysen & Anne K. Storset

Tid og sted: , Rom 304 (Peisestua)

Kristine Beate Walhovd, Psykologisk institutt, UiO

Tid og sted: , Seminarrom B81, NH Abels hus

Peter Guttorp (University of Washington og Norsk Regnesentral) skal snakke om

The role of statisticians in international science policy