2018 - Side 2

Tid og sted: , 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sparken/Webinar

SPARK Europe Educational Forum are monthly open meetings hosted by UiO:Life Science and SPARK Europe partners.

Tid og sted: , 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sparken / Zoom

SPARK Norway Educational Forum are monthly open meetings organized by UiO:Life Science and SPARK Norway partners.

Tid og sted: , 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sparken / Zoom

SPARK Norway Educational Forum are monthly open meetings organized by UiO:Life Science and SPARK Norway partners.

Tid og sted: , Fauna, 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sparken / Zoom

SPARK Norway Educational Forum are monthly open meetings organized by UiO:Life Science and SPARK Norway partners.

Tid og sted: , 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sparken / Zoom

SPARK Norway Educational Forum are monthly open meetings organized by UiO:Life Science and SPARK Norway partners.

Tid og sted: , 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sparken / Zoom

SPARK Norway Educational Forum are monthly open meetings organized by UiO:Life Science and SPARK Norway partners.

Tid og sted: , Zoom

SPARK Norway Educational Forum are monthly open meetings organized by UiO:Life Science and SPARK Norway partners.

Tid og sted: , Zoom

SPARK Norway Educational Forum are monthly open meetings organized by UiO:Life Science and SPARK Norway partners.

Tid og sted: , Zoom

SPARK Norway Educational Forum are monthly open meetings organized by UiO:Life Science and SPARK Norway partners.

Tid og sted: , Zoom

SPARK Norway Educational Forum are monthly open meetings organized by UiO:Life Science and SPARK Norway partners.

Tid og sted: , Zoom

SPARK Norway Educational Forum are monthly open meetings organized by UiO:Life Science and SPARK Norway partners.

Tid og sted: , Zoom

SPARK Norway Educational Forum are monthly open meetings organized by UiO:Life Science and SPARK Norway partners.

Tid og sted: , Digital meeting

SPARK Norway Educational Forum are meetings organized by UiO:Life Science and SPARK Norway partners.

Tid og sted: , Auditorium 2, Georg Sverdrups hus

SPARK Norway Educational Forum are monthly open meetings organized by UiO:Life Science and SPARK Norway partners.

Tid og sted: , Helga Engs hus, auditorium 2

SPARK Norway Educational Forum are monthly open meetings organized by UiO:Life Science and SPARK Norway partners.

Tid og sted: , Undervisningsrom 1, Georg Sverdrups hus

SPARK Norway Educational Forum are monthly open meetings organized by UiO:Life Science and SPARK Norway partners.

Tid og sted: , Auditorium 2, Georg Sverdrups hus

Having a new idea is not enough to create a new innovation. The hardest part is to build a successful business around it – this is the entrepreneurial challenge. One of the key elements that needs to be worked out is the right Go-To-Market strategy.

Tid og sted: , Undervisningsrom 1, Georg Sverdrups hus

To develop your idea into a growing business you need an excellent and well-functioning team. Learn more about what it takes to build a team and establish and grow a successful business and use the opportunity to discuss with an experienced industry expert during this interactive seminar.

Tid og sted: , Auditorium 2, Helga Engs hus

Forming a business partnership can be beneficial or even vital to obtain success, but it has to be done correctly. If not, it can be catastrophic. Learn more about what it takes to secure a successful partnering and finance setup. What are the pitfalls? What is critical? What are the dos and don'ts?

Tid og sted: , Auditorium 2, Georg Sverdrups hus, Moltke Moes vei 39

Procedures that work in the lab don’t always scale-up seamlessly into production in the life science industry. Process development while staying compliant will be required. What should be considered when you work in lab-scale to make the transition to production smoother? What are the common pitfalls, and what are the dos and don’ts?

Tid og sted: , Auditorium 2, Georg Sverdrups hus, Moltke Moes vei 39

Repurposing of drugs can potentially bring medications with known safety profiles to new patient groups. What is the industry looking for when they consider to invest in a repurposing project? What is the regulatory framework in this area? How is IP handled?

Tid og sted: , Malm?m?ssan, M?ssgatan 6, Malm?, Sweden

A part of Nordic Life Science Awards that features exciting academic projects from five Nordic countries illustrating the rich and broad research milieus and their motivation to advance their ideas into innovations for patients.

Tid og sted: , Auditorium 2, Georg Sverdrups hus, Moltke Moes vei 39

Clinical trials are essential to develop new treatments. What are the fundamental issues that must be considered when designing clinical trials? What are the pitfalls? What are the dos and don’ts?

Tid og sted: , Auditorium 2, Georg Sverdrups hus, Moltke Moes vei 39

Patent strategy is an important part of the innovation process. On this seminar you will hear from experts from Inven2 and learn how you can build a solid patent strategy.

Solid research is the basis for all new innovations. However, too often data generated in academia turns out to be irreproducible by others and therefor fail in translation to new products and treatments. What does it take to achieve reproducible high quality data?