15:30 Registrering med enkel servering
15:45 Velkommen
Per Morten Sandset, viserektor for forskning og innovasjon, Universitetet i Oslo
Del 1: Perspektiver
15:50 Innledning
Hilde Nebb, prodekan for forskning og innovasjon, Det medisinske fakultet, UiO
15:55 Kunnskapsdepartementets ambisjoner og forventninger
Toril Johansson, ekspedisjonssjef Kunnskapsdepartementet
16:05 Building an Innovation Ecosystem: Learnings from Successful Life Science Hubs
Barbara Nelsen, Dr and MBA Nelson Biomedical/US
Nelsen is the founder of Nelsen Biomedical. She has extensive experience in moving technology from concept to commercialization, developing business models, implementing business plans, and creating strategic partnerships and market expansion activities. She has been an investor and a scientific investigator and has worked in the industry in both research and development and in business development. The firm also provide advisory services and domain expertise pro bono to incubators, government agencies and start-up organizations.
16:25 The Imperial College White City Campus: An Innovation Community
Oscar Ces, Imperial College London/UK
Ces is a professor in chemistry. He is also of director of the Imperial College Advanced Hackspace and Invention Rooms. White City Campus is Imperial's major new campus in west London, bringing together world-class researchers, businesses and partners from academia to work, share ideas and turn cutting-edge research into benefits for society. What can Oslo Science City learn from London’s White City?
Del 2: Gruppesamtaler
16:45 Innledning
Kristin Vinje, visedekan for innovasjon og samfunnskontakt, Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet, UiO
16:50 Ambisjonen for UiO?
Inger Sandlie, professor Institutt for biovitenskap, UiO
16:55 Forventinger hos partnere og hva kan dere bidra med?
Jahn Henry L?vaas, Senior Vice President/Executive Director Life Sciences, DNV GL Business Assurance
17:00 Hva skal til for ? lykkes? – utvikling og gjennomf?ring
Karl-Christian Agerup, administrerende direkt?r Oslo Tech
Omorganisering til gruppearbeid
17:15 Gruppearbeid p? kanvas, 3 grupperinger
18:15 Presentasjon innad i gruppering
18:30 Forberede felles innlegg fra hver gruppering
18:45 Plenumspresentasjon fra de 3 grupperingene
19:00 Tapas
Arrangementet er fulltegnet og p?meldingen er stengt.