In an era defined by rapid technological advancements, globalization, and various environmental crises, there is an increasing need for education that equips individuals with skills and competencies to navigate and tackle multifaceted challenges. In this context, the focus on and initiatives for interdisciplinary teaching, learning, and research within higher education are growing (Boix Mansilla et al., 2000; Klein, 2005; Repko, 2008; Schlitz et al., 2010; Lattuca et al., 2012; Szostak, 2013; Laursen & O’Rourke, 2019; Blom et al., 2020; Vienni-Baptista et al., 2024).
Overall Objective
The Center for Interdisciplinary Education (INTED) aims to support and inspire students, teachers, administration, leadership, and stakeholders to develop interdisciplinary competence and to participate in, facilitate, and lead interdisciplinary processes (INTED, 2024: 3). In this effort, INTED is conducting pre- and post-surveys, as well as longitudinal studies, to assess students', teachers', and leaders' understanding of and competence in interdisciplinarity.
Research Project
This project is a significant part of this research. The objective is to investigate students from various educational programs (both interdisciplinary and disciplinary) to determine whether and how their attitudes and interdisciplinary competence develop over time.
Students' feedback and responses in this survey are especially important to investigate the connections between existing educational offerings and students' development of interdisciplinary competence. Furthermore, this will provide a basis for further developing knowledge and competence in interdisciplinary education.
Your Voice Matters!
If you choose to participate in the project, we will ask you to complete this questionnaire with questions about your thoughts on interdisciplinarity, other disciplines, and collaboration with other students. The project will span four years, and we will follow several study programs at the start of each semester.