Nicoline Fr?lich

Image of Nicoline Fr?lich
Norwegian version of this page
Visiting address Moltke Moes vei 39 Georg Sverdrups hus 4. etg. 0851 Oslo
Postal address Postboks 1144 0318 Oslo

Academic interests

  • Studies of higher education
  • Governance, management and organisation of higher education
  • Public administration
  • Reforms in higher education
  • Knowledge policies


2022 - d.d.: Professor, Director LINK

2014 - 2022: Head of Research Studies in higher education, NIFU-Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education

2002: Doctoral degree in Comparative Politics, University of Bergen

1994: Master's degree Comparative Politics, University of Bergen  

1992: Pedagogy, NHH-Norwegian School of Economics  

1989: Master's degree in Economics and Business Administration, NHH-Norwegian School of Economics 


2023 - d.d.: Academic Chair, Circle U alliance

2023- d.d.: Member of advisory board, SIKT, Norway 

2021: member of editorial board, TEAM - Tertiary Education and Management

2021-2022.: Chair EAIR - The European Higher Education Society

2021-d.d.: Member of Advisory Expert Group QAA Scotland Enhancement Themes Evaluation

2019-2021: Co-Editor in Chief TEAM - Tertiary Education and Management  

2019-d.d.: Member of Advisory Board UK?, Swedish Higher Education Authority

2014-2022: Member of leadership group, NIFU-Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education

Positions held

  • Research Professor II, NIFU - Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education (currently 20 per cent)
  • Professor II, Department of Government, University of Bergen (2022-2023, part time 10 per cent)



Tags: Management, organization, governance, Higher education, reforms, public administration, institutional theory


  • Fr?lich, Nicoline; Elken, Mari & Eide, Thea (2023). Mergers, distance, and leadership: Perceptions of different forms of distance to leadership in merger processes. Higher Education Quarterly. ISSN 0951-5224. p. 1–13. doi: 10.1111/hequ.12477. Full text in Research Archive
  • Huisman, Jeroen; Soppe, Karlijn; Eide, Thea & Fr?lich, Nicoline (2023). Can you feel the change of seasons? Perspectives of academicstaff on organizational change. Studies in Higher Education. ISSN 0307-5079. 48(12), p. 1809–1824. doi: 10.1080/03075079.2023.2215812.
  • Reiling, Rune Borgan & Fr?lich, Nicoline (2022). Climbing the ladder: equal chances for women and men? In Sarrico, Claudia; Rosa, Maria J. & Carvalho, Teresa (Ed.), Research Handbook on Academic Careers and Managing Academics. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISSN 978 1 83910 262 2. p. 175–189.
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline & Stensaker, Bj?rn (2021). Mergers and missions: Investigating consequences for system diversity. Higher Education. ISSN 0018-1560. 82, p. 411–434. doi: 10.1007/s10734-021-00730-7. Full text in Research Archive
  • Elken, Mari; Fr?lich, Nicoline; Maassen, Peter & Stensaker, Bj?rn (2020). Quality Systems in Higher Education Institutions: Enabling and Constraining Quality Work. In Elken, Mari; Maassen, Peter; Nerland, Monika; Pr?itz, Tine Sophie; Stensaker, Bj?rn & Vab?, Agnete (Ed.), Quality Work in Higher Education. Organisational and Pedagogical Dimensions. Springer. ISSN 978-3-030-41756-7. p. 19–41.
  • Tellmann, Silje Maria; R?sdal, Trude & Fr?lich, Nicoline (2020). Professional educational programmes under pressure. Organizational challenges related to strengthening research. Studies in Higher Education. ISSN 0307-5079. doi: 10.1080/03075079.2019.1711039. Full text in Research Archive
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline; Trondal, Jarle; Caspersen, Joakim & Reymert, Ingvild S (2019). Reformer i UH-sektoren. Det muliges kunst. In Knudsen, Jon Paschen & Lauvdal, Torunn (Ed.), Geografi, kunnskap, vitenskap: Den regionale UH-sektorens framvekst og betydning. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISSN 9788202632571. p. 75–98. doi: 10.23865/noasp.73. Full text in Research Archive
  • Stensaker, Bj?rn; Fr?lich, Nicoline & Aamodt, Per O (2018). Policy, Perceptions, and Practice: A Study of Educational Leadership and Their Balancing of Expectations and Interests at Micro-level. Higher Education Policy. ISSN 0952-8733. p. 1–18. doi: 10.1057/s41307-018-0115-7. Full text in Research Archive
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline; Christensen, Tom & Stensaker, Bj?rn (2018). Strengthening the strategic capacity of public universities: The role of internal governance models. Public Policy and Administration. ISSN 0952-0767. 34(4), p. 475–493. doi: 10.1177/0952076718762041. Full text in Research Archive
  • Aamodt, Per O; Fr?lich, Nicoline & Stensaker, Bj?rn (2018). Learning outcomes – a useful tool in quality assurance? Views from academic staff. Studies in Higher Education. ISSN 0307-5079. 43(4), p. 614–624. doi: 10.1080/03075079.2016.1185776. Full text in Research Archive
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline; Huisman, Jeroen & Stensaker, Bj?rn (2017). Understanding Strategy Practices in Universities. In Bleiklie, Ivar; Enders, Jurgen & Lepori, Benedetto (Ed.), Managing Universities: Policy and Organizational Change from a Western European Comparative Perspective. Palgrave Macmillan. ISSN 978-3-319-53864-8. p. 167–188. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-53865-5_7.
  • Bleiklie, Ivar; Michelsen, Svein; Krücken, Georg & Fr?lich, Nicoline (2017). University Governance – Organizational Centralization and Engagement in European Universities. In Bleiklie, Ivar; Enders, Jurgen & Lepori, Benedetto (Ed.), Managing Universities: Policy and Organizational Change from a Western European Comparative Perspective. Palgrave Macmillan. ISSN 978-3-319-53864-8. p. 139–165. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-53865-5.
  • Bleiklie, Ivar; Fr?lich, Nicoline; Sweetman, Rachel & Henkel, Mary (2017). Academic institutions, ambiguity and learning outcomes as management tools. European Journal of Education. ISSN 0141-8211. 52(1), p. 68–79. doi: 10.1111/ejed.12200.

View all works in Cristin

  • Fr?lich, Nicoline & Korseberg, Lene Kirstine (2024). Digitalisation and merger processes in universities. How are they interrelated? Paper accepted to be presented at NOPSA, Bergen, July 2024.
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline & Korseberg, Lene Kirstine (2024). Digitalization and merger processes in universities. How are they interrelated? .
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline (2024). Kvalitet er ogs? kaffe og venner. ISSN 1894-8995.
  • Str?ms?, Helge Ivar; Esterhazy, Rachelle; Hjelmeng, Erling Johan & Fr?lich, Nicoline (2023). Ja, vi trenger universitetspedagogisk basiskompetanse! .
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline & Vinje, Kristin (2023). Fremragende utdanning b?r stimuleres, og SFU-ordningen b?r derfor ikke avvikles. Innlegg i Khrono, 12. oktober 2023.
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline (2023). Globale trender i h?yere utdanning. Innlegg for Direktorat for h?yere utdanning og kompetanse 26. oktober 2023 .
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline (2023). Etter og viderutdanning - hva gj?r institusjonene? Innlegg og debatt om livslang l?ring.
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline (2023). Globale trender i h?yere utdanning - hva trenger vi vite mer om?
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline (2023). Kvalitet i h?yere utdanning - hvordan kan digital teknologi bidra? Panelsamtale i regi av LINK og NIFU under Arendalsuka 2023.
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline (2023). Fragmentering av utdanning og l?ring? Bidrag i paneldebatt i regi av H?gskolen p? Innlandet, Arendalsuka 2023.
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline (2023). Higher Education and academic careers - Women's path to academic positions in academia.
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline (2023). LINK - presentasjon for fakultetsstyrem?te UV-fakultetet.
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline (2023). Meeting Teaching and Learning Centres in Circle U - plans for possible collaboration.
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline (2023). LINK - oppf?lging etter NOKUTs evaluering av UiO.
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline & Hjelmeng, Erling Johan (2023). Pedagogisk st?tte ved UiO - er det LINK som er problemet?
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline & Stensaker, Bj?rn (2023). Hvordan h?ndterer vi pedagogiske kriser ved UiO?
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline (2023). Perceptions of strategic choice and change in the university context.
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline Sidsel (2022). Hvordan skal vi undervise etter pandemien? . ISSN 1894-8995.
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline Sidsel (2022). Fem globale trender innen h?yere utdanning. ISSN 1894-8995.
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline Sidsel (2022). Kvinners vei mot den akademiske toppen.
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline Sidsel (2022). Evalueringen av strukturreformen.
  • Wiborg, Vegard Sjurseike; Fidjeland, Andreas; Eide, Thea; Holtermann, Helge; Skjelbred, Siv-Elisabeth & Fr?lich, Nicoline Sidsel (2022). Konsekvenser av strukturreformen: Tilfredshet blant kandidatene.
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline Sidsel (2022). Fremtidens h?yere utdanning.
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline (2022). Key features of higher education in the future - panel discussion.
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline (2022). Video i undervisningen - God bruk og tekniske l?sninger.
  • Elken, Mari; Vukasovic, Martina & Fr?lich, Nicoline (2022). Transformative re-organisations and identity formation in higher education.
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline; Elken, Mari & Eide, Thea (2022). Distance to leadership in academic organisations.
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline Sidsel (2022). Samfunnsutfordringer og strategiutforming.
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline Sidsel (2022). Strukturreformen og styringsdilemma.
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline; Elken, Mari & Eide, Thea (2022). Distance to leadership: unpacking different forms of distance in academic organisations.
  • Huisman, Jeroen; Soppe, Karlijn; Eide, Thea & Fr?lich, Nicoline (2022). The impact of reforms in higher education.
  • Wiborg, Vegard Sjurseike; Fidjeland, Andreas ?stb?; Eide, Thea; Holtermann, Helge; Skjelbred, Siv-Elisabeth & Fr?lich, Nicoline (2022). Konsekvenser av strukturreformen: Tilfredshet blant kandidatene.
  • Huisman, Jeroen; Eide, Thea; Soppe, Karlijn & Fr?lich, Nicoline (2022). Organisational features of Norwegian higher education institutions: perceptions on organisational change.
  • Huisman, Jeroen; Eide, Thea; Daenekindt, Stijn & Fr?lich, Nicoline (2022). The impact of the structural reform: what do academics think and do?
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline Sidsel (2021). Hvordan endres forskningshverdagen n?r ?pen forskning blir den nye normalen? (innlegg i paneldebatt).
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline; Vukasovic, Martina & Bleiklie, Ivar (2021). Politikken som formet strukturreformen. ISSN 1894-8995.
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline (2021). Publiseringen ved fusjonerte h?yskoler har skutt i v?ret.
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline (2021). Hvordan har norske universiteter og h?yskoler blitt p?virket av Covid-19? .
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline & Solberg, Espen (2021). Ledelse av panelsamtale.
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline & Solberg, Espen (2021). Kunnskapsvalget 2021.
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline; Bleiklie, Ivar & Stensaker, Bj?rn (2021). The actual work of university leaders. Short paper accepted to be presented to sub-theme 71.
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline; Vukasovic, Martina; Elken, Mari & Stensaker, Bj?rn (2021). Pressing problems in researching structural reforms and mergers in higher education.
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline (2021). Evaluation of the structural reform.
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline (2021). Evaluering av strukturreformen – noen forel?pige funn og refleksjoner.
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline (2021). Hva gj?r strukturreformen med norsk h?yere utdanning? In Solberg, Espen & Wendt, Kaja Kathrine (Ed.), Det norske forsknings- og innovasjonssystemet – statistikk og indikatorer 2021. Norges forskningsr?d. ISSN 978-82-12-03903-2. p. 189–193.
  • Bj?rkholt, Solveig; Gunnes, Hebe; Hovdhaugen, Elisabeth; N?ss, Terje; Sarpebakken, Bo & Villund, Ole [Show all 14 contributors for this article] (2021). Menneskelige ressurser til FoU. In Solberg, Espen & Wendt, Kaja Kathrine (Ed.), Det norske forsknings- og innovasjonssystemet – statistikk og indikatorer 2021. Norges forskningsr?d. ISSN 978-82-12-03903-2. p. 115–226.
  • Solberg, Espen; Ingeborgrud, Lina; Korseberg, Lene Kirstine; Fr?lich, Nicoline & Lyby, Lars (2021). Det er trolig flere forskere som forsker p? 1. mai-tog enn som g?r i det. Morgenbladet. ISSN 0805-3847.
  • Korseberg, Lene Kirstine; Eide, Thea & Fr?lich, Nicoline (2021). Kontinuitet fremfor innovasjon. Valg av faglig organisering ved fusjonerte institusjoner.
  • Aksnes, Dag W.; Fossum, Lone Wander?s & Fr?lich, Nicoline (2021). An initial bibliometric mapping of six higher education institutions undergoing structural changes.
  • N?ss, Terje; Fr?lich, Nicoline & Elken, Mari (2021). Fusjonerte institusjoner i st?peskjeen: Endringer i faglige profiler og det regionale studietilbudet.
  • Vukasovic, Martina; Fr?lich, Nicoline; Bleiklie, Ivar; Elken, Mari & Michelsen, Svein (2021). Policy processes shaping the Norwegian Structural Reform.
  • St?ren, Liv Anne; Nesje, Kjersti; Skjelbred, Siv-Elisabeth & Fr?lich, Nicoline (2020). B?r "relevant jobb etter studiet" inng? i inansieringssystemet? ISSN 1894-8995.
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline (2020). Studenter i praksis i forskningsinstitutt – erfaringer fra NIFU. Praksisemnet p? masterprogrammet i statsvitenskap, UiO.
  • Bleiklie, Ivar; Elken, Mari; Fr?lich, Nicoline; Michelsen, Svein & Vucasovic, Martina (2020). Managerial policy making and the higher education merger reform in Norway.
  • Bleiklie, Ivar; Elken, Mari; Fr?lich, Nicoline; Michelsen, Svein & Vucasovic, Martina (2020). Policy Making as Dialogue?
  • Elken, Mari & Fr?lich, Nicoline (2020). Nye utfordringer for strukturreformen. ISSN 1894-8995.
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline & Loge, Julia (2019). Kvinner og menn har like sjanser til ? gj?re karrierehopp i akademia. [Journal]. Forskerforum.
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline; Mangset, Marte; Teigen, Mari; Liest?l, Knut; Enli, Gunn & Christensen, Lina (2019). Endelig likestilling? Ikke enn?. . [Journal].
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline (2019). Hvem vinner det akademiske kappl?pet? .
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline (2019). Norwegian structural reform in higher education. Recent policies and practices .
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline (2019). Re-Structure: Redesigning the Norwegian higher education landscape. .
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline (2019). Attraktive akademiske karrierer? .
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline (2019). Re-Structure: Redesigning the Norwegian higher education landscape. .
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline (2019). Attraktive akademiske karrierer? .
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline & Mangset, Marte (2019). Endelig likestilling i akademia? .
  • R?sdal, Trude; Elken, Mari & Fr?lich, Nicoline (2019). Struktur, kommunikasjon og kultur i en ny organisasjon.
  • Degn, Lise; Elken, Mari & Fr?lich, Nicoline (2019). The "what, "why" and "how" of Quality in Nordic higher education reforms.
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline & Skule, Sveinung (2018). Attraktive karriereveier i og ut av universiteter og h?gskoler. ISSN 1894-8995.
  • Larsen, Hege & Fr?lich, Nicoline (2018). NIFU-rapport: H?y andel professorer i Norge. [Newspaper].
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline & Stensaker, Bj?rn (2018). Navigating complexity: leadership work at institutional top level.
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline (2018). Managing mergers, governancing institutional integration.
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline (2018). Internationalisation strategies of Norwegian higher education institutions.
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline & Skule, Sveinung (2018). Attraktive karriereveier i og ut av universiteter og h?gskoler. 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录spolitikk. ISSN 0333-0273. 41(2), p. 18–19.
  • Elken, Mari; Fr?lich, Nicoline; Maassen, Peter & Stensaker, Bj?rn (2018). Organizing quality work in higher education institutions.
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline & Skule, Sveinung (2017). Syv utfordringer for Strukturreformen. ISSN 1894-8995.
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline & R?sdal, Trude (2017). Strukturreformen - mye arbeid gjenst?r. ISSN 1894-8995.
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline & Huisman, Jeroen (2017). Structural reforms in higher education.
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline & Nesje, Kjersti (2017). Higher education’s relevance: learning outcomes meet the labour market.
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline & Bleiklie, Ivar (2017). Policy, governance and organisational change in higher education .
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline; R?sdal, Trude & Tellmann, Silje Maria (2017). Professional educational programmes under pressure. Organisational challenges related to strengthening research.
  • Elken, Mari; Fr?lich, Nicoline & Aamodt, Per O (2017). Ledelse av studieprogrammer.
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline (2017). Strukturreformen - nye spenninger og styringsdilemma?
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline & Borlaug, Siri Brorstad (2017). F?lgeevaluering av fusjoner i UH-sektoren.
  • Eide, Thea; Solberg, Linn Elise Lur?s; Huisman, Jeroen & Fr?lich, Nicoline (2021). A note on survey methodology: Documentation of data from the Re-structure survey among academic staff spring 2021. Nordisk institutt for studier av innovasjon, forskning og utdanning NIFU. ISSN 978-82-327-0523-8.
  • Elken, Mari; Daus, Stephan; Gunnes, Hebe; Lyby, Lars; Fr?lich, Nicoline & R?sdal, Trude (2020). En forskningsbasert f?lgeevaluering av H?gskulen p? Vestlandet : Sluttrapport. Nordisk institutt for studier av innovasjon, forskning og utdanning NIFU. ISSN 978-82-327-0458-3.
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline; Reiling, Rune Borgan; Gunnes, Hebe; Mangset, Marte; Orupabo, Julia & Ulvestad, Marte E.S. [Show all 9 contributors for this article] (2019). Attraktive akademiske karrierer? S?kning, rekruttering og mobilitet i UH-sektoren . Nordisk institutt for studier av innovasjon, forskning og utdanning NIFU. ISSN 978-82-327-0403-3.
  • Fr?lich, Nicoline; Wendt, Kaja Kathrine; Reymert, Ingvild S; Tellmann, Silje Maria; Elken, Mari & Kyvik, Svein [Show all 8 contributors for this article] (2018). Academic career structures in Europe : Perspectives from Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, the Netherlands, Austria and the UK. Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education (NIFU). ISSN 978-82-327-0318-0.

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Published Aug. 22, 2022 9:07 AM - Last modified Jan. 16, 2024 9:04 PM