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Produce Video and Media Content

Film offers a powerful medium for storytelling, capable of inspiring and motivating audiences by showcasing the human and practical aspects of research and knowledge. LINK specialises in crafting a variety of video formats that bring to the forefront the compelling narratives inherent in academic disciplines.

Are you seeking guidance on video utilisation and production?

LINK welcomes inquiries from those seeking guidance on video utilisation and production. We understand the vast array of applications and production styles that video can encompass in the realm of education and communication. To initiate a conversation with LINK regarding your video production aspirations, kindly fill out our online form, available in Norwegian only.

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Typical and Diverse Situations and Genres

Inspiring and Motivating

The video format is well-suited to providing a vivid and engaging representation of a subject area or teaching approach. We produce films that inspire and motivate you to learn about your subject.

The film medium has great potential for telling stories about subjects and subject communicators that can inspire and motivate. Through film, one encounters the practical and human aspects of research and knowledge. LINK creates a range of video formats that bring out the good stories in the subject.

Flipped Classroom

Teaching approaches of the flipped classroom type often rely on videos as preparation for teaching. We have experience with a variety of production formats for video for flipped teaching.

The video is often a form of knowledge dissemination that partly replaces the lecture that the educator would otherwise have used teaching time to present. In a flipped classroom setting, the student views the knowledge dissemination in advance and uses the time spent together in teaching to discuss and solve tasks based on the subject matter.

Online Courses and MOOCs

LINK has created most of the MOOCs and larger online courses that have been published at UiO in recent years. With a MOOC, you reach a global audience with your teaching.

LINK has contributed to new e-learning and assessment resources online, including MOOCs for Dentistry and the interdisciplinary center RITMO.

Video Presentations

A common form of knowledge dissemination and teaching on video is through a video presentation. The educator conveys their message using PowerPoint and illustrations in the background.

In a university context, video presentations are perhaps the most commonly used form of communication of academic subject matter.

One writes a condensed version of a lecture and presents it directly to the camera in a studio. In the background, one has a green screen, which allows one to insert one's own PowerPoint into the background of the video. This type of video presentation can also be done from the office or out "on location", i.e. a place out in real surroundings.

Graphics for Voiceover

Sometimes you want to devote the visuals to graphics and only record audio. As in this visualisation of the 2019 TIMMS report.

Video Essay

A video essay is a form of audiovisual essay where one uses film clips, sound and voice to convey a subject or idea. Video essays can combine elements from traditional essays with digital storytelling to present complex concepts and analyses in a simple way.