Towards the Ninth European Framework Programme – Position Paper from the Norwegian Universities

The Norwegian universities are following the development of the next European framework programme for research and innovation with anticipation. We are now putting forward a joint position paper highlighting the issues we find most important to strengthen European research and innovation.

Read the position paper here

The Norwegian universities’ main messages to the European Commission on the next European framework programme for research and innovation:

  1. Missions Governance
    Europe would benefit from the missions being governed in a transparent way throughout their lifespan, as well as being based on excellence as sole selection criteria.
  2. Mission on Oceans
    Europe would benefit from defining a mission on Blue Growth whereby the oceans would provide 10 % of the global food production by 2027.
  3. Fundamental Science
    Europe would benefit from the further strengthening of fundamental research through the European Research Council and Marie Sk?odowska Curie Actions.
  4. Open Science
    Europe would benefit from an open science policy that integrates all aspects of research and innovation.
  5. Social Science and Humanities (SSH)
    Europe would benefit from a dedicated Global Challenge on SSH, as well as the inclusion of SSH as a crosscutting issue in other parts of the programme.
  6. European Innovation Council (EIC)
    Europe would benefit from the EIC specifically targeting breakthrough innovation.

Towards the Ninth European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation – Position Paper from the Norwegian Universities

Publisert 5. apr. 2018 15:15 - Sist endret 16. apr. 2018 09:49
Foto: Jarli & Jordan/UiO


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Foto: Jarli & Jordan/UiO