During November and December 2018, I had the opportunity to spend 5 weeks as a visiting researcher at RITMO, an amazing centre of excellence recently inaugurated at the University of Oslo. In mid November, at the beginning of my stay, Luke Dahl and I presented modosc, our Max library for real time motion capture analysis to the attendees of the RITMO International Motion Capture Workshop. The library is the results of a collaboration between Luke and myself, and has been presented at various conferences in 2018, including NIME1 (paper) , and MOCO2 (paper).
While in Oslo, I had the chance to spend time in the motion capture lab and use the Delsys Trigno wireless EMG system synchronised with the Qualisys cameras. With that gear, I coded three new modosc objects for real-time processing of EMG signals synchronised with MoCap:
- mo.qtmSig: binds data from QTM analog boards to new signal addresses in the modosc namespace (under /modosc/signals);
- mo.zcr: calculates the zero crossing rate of a signal (useful feature for classification tasks);
- mo.tkeo: calculates the Teager-Kaiser energy-tracking operator (TKEO) of a signal (useful for onset detection and other things, to learn more check out Eivind Kvedalen’s master's thesis.
I got the idea of implementing this interesting feature from Geert Roks, a student at Goldsmiths University of London currently collaborating with Prof Atau Tanaka.
Here are some video tutorials to get you started with modosc.