In Norwegian school we have the subject ‘utdanningsvalg’. A part of the curriculum for 10th grade is a week/period of time where people work. I was lucky enough to get a spot at RITMO.
Video project
Much of this week I have been sitting, time-stamping videos, for later usage. It will be used to analyse if we stand still when we think we do. How much movement happens in the course of 10 minutes.
I was in the MoCap lab two times through the week. The first time, I sat in the control room, watching the others do what it was obvious that they could. Even though the sound system was a bit moody, data were collected. Also collecting some health data, which was the point of the project; how humans breathing patterns changes. The second time, it was more in the direction of animation.
EEG on a melon

Put EEG on a watermelon. Interesting to see, and it was fun to work with a few other students, working on their masters. Put on the hat, attached the loose electrodes and put on headphones. There seemed to be brain activity in the melon. It sends some signals, but it seemed to be in a coma