Numerous studies on motor performance and rehabilitation have explored the effects of using a metronome or other kinds of auditory pacing. However, past research has several shortcomings. There is a call for studies using ecologically valid designs where experts' complex movements are explored. The present study investigates the effects of moving to a sound track, tailored for rowing, on elite rowers' performance and technical execution. In addition to this auditory condition, a condition involving verbal feedback from a rowing coach, as well as a control condition with no feedback, were employed. Nine elite rowers performed in all three conditions, using a Concept 2 rowing machine in the fourMs motion capture lab at the Department of Musicology, University of Oslo. The rowers' subjective responses to the auditory and verbal feedback conditions were also measured using a questionnaire. While motion capture data is currently being analyzed, I will present performance data gathered from the rowing machine and discuss our project in light of relevant literature.
Food & Paper: Auditory pacing in elite rowing: A motion capture study (Herrebr?den)
Doctoral Researcher at RITMO Henrik Herrebr?den will give a talk on "Auditory pacing in elite rowing"

Published May 2, 2019 4:03 PM
- Last modified Apr. 20, 2020 2:57 PM