Academic interests
What separates the best from the rest in technical endurance sports, especially trail running? What aspects of timing, from split-second decisions to longer term predictions, play a role in efficiently moving through a race course? How about related cognitive skills such as attention, inhibitory control, and cognitive flexibility? I am interested in how rhythmic skills and cognitive skills relate to performance and expertise training, especially in trail running. My main study involves examining performance in the field (races or workouts) with foot movement patterns alongside a rhythmic and cognitive test battery with elite and non-elite trail running athletes.
Courses taught
- PSY1300 Spr?kproduksjon & Spr?kforst?else /studier/emner/sv/psykologi/PSY1300/v25/timeplan/index.html
2020-2022: Master in Developmental Psychology focusing on infant language development, University of Oslo. Dialects, eye-tracking, Bayesian analysis, infant research.
Health care consultant at the Lewin Group under Optum/United Health Group. Health disparities, quality innovation and implementation, national health care outreach.
2012-2016: Bachelor in Psychology and Linguistics with emphasis on neuroscience, St. Olaf College, MN. Cochlear implants, development, music.
- PSI Open Science award /english/for-employees/unitpages/sv/psi/open-science/
Tor Endestad, Anne Danielsen
Prev. Natalia Kartushina, Julien Mayor, Tone Hermansen