Contact information 

Name: Endre Joachim Lerheim Mossige, Ph.D.

Pronouns: He/Him/His

Nationality: Norwegian

Affiliation: RITMO Centre of Excellence, University of Oslo

Position: Postdoctoral fellow

2-year goal: Start tenure track position in fluid mechanics/soft matter/biophysics

Telephone number: +4792233276


Google scholar/LinkedIn

ORCID: 0000-0002-6929-2932

Scopus: 57191989751




Subject: Microfluidic velocimetry and hydrodynamic particle separation

Supervisor: Prof. Atle Jensen

Department: Department of Mathematics

University: University of Oslo, Norway

Title of thesis: “Continuous Hydrodynamic Separation and Concentration of Particles according to Size by use of the Trilobite Technology”

Year: 2017



Subject: Lattice Boltzmann method

Supervisor: Prof: Bernhard Müller

Department: Department of Mechanical Engineering

University: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway

Title of thesis: “Curved boundary conditions for the Lattice Boltzmann Method”

Year: 2011



Sep 2022 –Current

Position: Postdoctoral research fellow

Department: Department of Musicology and Department of Physics

University: University of Oslo 

Supervisor: Prof. Alexander Refsum Jensenius 

Duties: As postdoc in the UiO:LifeScience ITOM-project, I built my own light-sheet microscope to characterize how early mammalian embryo models (gastruloids) grow and develop, and how the first organs form. To fully utilize light-sheet microscopy, I also characterize cell invasion in zebrafish and autophagy in Drosophila embryos in collaboration with other groups. 


Jan 2022 – May 2022:

University Lecturer at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway

Duties: Teaching Fluid Mechanics and mentoring two master’s students. To develop student engagement and intuition, I used active learning strategies such as 'Kitchen Flow' classroom experiments and Kahoot! quizzes.


Nov 2021-Dec 2021:

Visiting Researcher at the Department of Physics, University of Oslo, Norway

     Duties: I was involved in a project aiming to characterize capillary-driven flows in soils, and I was a mentor at LagLivLab, a curiosity-driven science hub at the Dept. Physics at the University of Oslo. 


Mar 2020 – Mar 2021

Position: Postdoctoral research fellow

Department: Department of Chemical Engineering

University: University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB)

Supervisor: Prof. Todd Squires

Duties: I learned to use a new microfluidic interferometry the group developed to measure spatio-temporally evolving concentration profiles, and I adapted it to characterize protein solutions. In addition, I studied asphaltene-stabilized water-in-oil emulsions.


Jun 2018 -Mar2020

Position: Postdoctoral research fellow

Department: Department of Chemical Engineering

University: Stanford University 

Supervisor: Prof. Gerald G. Fuller 

Duties: Characterization of tear-film stabilitiy and break-up on commercial contact lenses using thin-film interferometry, characterizations of hydrodynamic instabilities in polymer solutions, and characterizations of the miscible drop dynamics. In addition, I acquired 70+ hours of teaching and mentoring training through the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs.


Industry positions

     Jan 2018 – Jun 2018:

Industrial senior researcher doing microfluidic separation at Trilobite A/S, Norway. 

     Feb 2013 – Sep 2013:

Industrial researcher doing microfluidic separation at Trilobite A/S, Norway. 

     Mar 2011 – Dec 2012:

Technical consultant doing fluid flow simulations at EDR Medeso, Norway.

Supervision and Teaching Certificate

In the spring of 2022, I was responsible for teaching for teaching Fluid Mechanics at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, and I was the main supervisor of two master's students. Through these activities, I fulfilled the teaching requirements for prestigious Teaching Certificate issued by the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs at Stanford University.

Important assignments 

2025: Appointed administrator of PhD committee at the Dept. Physics, University of Oslo

2024: Invited speaker at the Norwegian physical society (NFS) conference on physics education

2024: Guest editor at Physics of Fluids

2023: Invited speaker at the American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics (APS-DFD) annual meeting.

2021: Guest editor at Physics of Fluids 

2021: Invited by the American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics (APS-DFD) to chair a symposium on “Kitchen Flows”.

2020: Commissioned by the Editors of Reviews of Modern Physics to write a review paper on culinary fluid mechanics and food science. 

Recent funding received

2024: Innovation funding from UiO Growth House, University of Oslo

2024: Kristine Bonnevie Scholarship from the University of Oslo

2024: Travel award from BNMI Short Term Scientific Missions (STMS) Program, Nordic counties

2024: Travel award from UiO:LifeScience, University of Oslo

Science communication 

2024: Invited lecture on "The science of nerdy science cakes", Science library, University of Oslo

2024: Abels t?rn participant on Norwegian public radio (NRK)

2023: Podcast guest at "Vett og Vitenskap - med Gaute Einevoll"

2023: Invited popular lecture at Dept. Physics, University of Oslo

2023: Abels t?rn participant on Norwegian public radio (NRK)


References upon request

Published May 8, 2024 1:53 PM - Last modified Jan. 12, 2025 8:46 PM