Finn Upham

Image of Finn Upham
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Visiting address 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sv. 3A Harald Schjelderups hus 0373 Oslo
Postal address Postboks 1133 Blindern 0318 Oslo

Academic interests

Finn Upham uses measurements of audience behaviour, physiological changes in listeners' bodies, and musical signal characteristics to investigate listeners' interactive experience of music unfolding in time. At RITMO, they are working on the empirical evaluation of temporal relationships between rhythms in musical signals and the oscillatory systems of the human body.


PhD in Music Technology from New York University, dissertation on music listeners' respiratory phase alignment to music. Master in Music Technology as well as a BMus (Theory) and BSc (Mathematics) from McGill University. 

Positions held

  • Postdoctoral fellow with the SSIMSA project at McGill University.


Tags: Music Cognition, MusicLab, Biosensors, Performance Analysis, movement, Data science

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Published Nov. 10, 2020 1:28 PM - Last modified Sep. 18, 2024 1:32 PM