muScribe: Automated tranScription of muSic

muScribe is poised to revolutionize music transcription by introducing advanced AI to transcribe audio recordings into detailed music scores. This project, carried out at the RITMO Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Rhythm, Time, and Motion at the University of Oslo, seeks to make music more accessible to the public.

Our primary objective is to develop a service for music archives to digitize music performance recording using state-of-the-art deep learning and our own cutting-edge research. Our hybrid approach is markedly original, merging the strengths of machine learning with symbolic AI, rooted in cognitive science and musicology.

The project is particularly oriented towards cultural institutions, music publishers, and copyright organizations. By automating transcription, we reduce costs and increase the precision and availability of music scores.

Published Oct. 21, 2024 12:00 PM - Last modified Dec. 7, 2024 3:30 PM


Head of project:

Olivier Lartillot


  • Olivier Lartillot University of Oslo
  • Lars Alfred L?berg Monstad University of Oslo
  • Karstein Gr?nnesby
  • P?l Br?telund
Detailed list of participants