MusicLab Copenhagen Pilot

This data comes from a DSQ concert in K?ge, Denmark in the fall of 2018.


The data serves as pilot data for MusicLab Copenhagen in 2021 and aims to establish correlations between musicians' heart rate synchronization and their experienced level of musical absorption. For further description, see the article Framing a Phenomenological Mixed Method: From Inspiration to Guidance.

The Music

The Danish String Quartet (DSQ), will play the following set of music

  • Beethoven op. 18/5
  • Webern: String Quartet (1905)
  • Beethoven op. 59/3

The science

This event is a part of the larger MusicLab project and is used as a pilot for the larger event on May 2, 2021. At this concert, the combination of 360-degree video, audio recording, and physiological wearable technology is to be implemented. An additional phone app will be used to survey the self-rated level of absorption. The rating is based on them listening to the recording of their own performance just after it is finished.

The Data

MusicLab is an Open Science project. The aim is to share everything that can be shared openly, including performances, data, and analysis. 


Simon H?ffding
Published Nov. 12, 2020 2:41 PM - Last modified Mar. 7, 2022 12:04 PM