Events - Page 3

Time and place: , Quality Hotel 33, ?kern

fourMs-researchers wil perform at the VERDIKT conference:

iPhone ensemble playing Bloom and Scrambler (for iPhone and small speakers). Featuring Alexander Refsum Jensenius, Kristian Nymoen, Anders Tveit, Arve Voldsund and Viet Phi Uy Hoang.

Dance Jockey by Yago de Quay and St?le Skogstad (using Xsens inertial motion capture)


Time and place: , Gabler

Visiting researcher Yago de Quay will showcase his latest Interactive Systems for dance clubs at the venue Gabler . There will be four systems at work that night, namely the wii-make-music , video jockey , DJ , and motion to music . More information below.

Time and place: , Levinsalen, Norwegian Academy of Music

Artistic research fellow at the Norwegian Academy of Music Victoria Johnson and fourMs-researcher Alexander Refsum Jensenius will perform a piece exploring improvisation in time and space during a concert that also features pieces by Henrik Hellstenius and Peter Tornquist.

Johnson and Jensenius have been collaborating for several years on exploration of various types of technologies for musical expression. The piece currently presented is based on video analysis using modules from the Musical Gestures Toolbox in Jamoma and CataRT .


Time and place: , Salen, ZEB

fourMs-researchers wil participate in the Department of Musicology's semester opening concert.

Kristian Nymoen, Anders Tveit, Alexander Refsum Jensenius: Bloom and Scrambler (for iPhone and small speakers)

Yago de Quay, St?le Skogstad: Posture (with Xsens motion capture)

Time and place: , fourMs

Come and visit us during the semester opening week for the autumn semester. There will be demonstrations of different motion capture systems, sonic interaction, robots, 3D-printing, and more.

Time and place: , Jyv?skyl?, Finland

The International Summer School in Systematic Musicology (ISSSM2010) will take place in Jyv?skyl?, starting on the 11th of August, 2010. The theme of the Summer School is Beauty in Music - Musical Aesthetics Revisited and it focuses on the most advanced and up-to-date topics of musicology through an interactive and cooperative learning approach.

Time and place: , ZEB, Sem S?lands vei 2

The Music, Motion, and Emotion-project will host a seminar with four open lectures at Department of Musicology:  Program Monday 10 May

Kl. 10.15-11.30, Auditorium 1, Georg Sverdrups Hus: Filosof Mark Johnson, University of Oregon Kl. 11.45-13.00, Auditorium 1, Georg Sverdrups Hus: Kognitiv psykolog Raymond Gibbs, University of California, Santa Cruz: "Embodiment in metaphorical imagination" Kl. 14.15-15.15, Salen, ZEB-bygget: Musikkviter Lawrence Zbikowski, University of Chicago Kl. 15.30-16.30, Salen, ZEB-bygget: Musikkviter Steve Larson, University of Oregon


Time and place: , Sem 1

Title: Musical Forces and Musical Analysis

Professor Steve Larson , University of Oregon

Time and place: , fourMs

On the Development of an Auditory Virtual Environment for Musical Applications

In the last few decades, the development of audio reproduction and spatialization techniques greatly benefits from composers whose pioneering work still inspires researchers to refine spatial audio systems (e.g. Stockhausen, Chowning, Boulez). However, novel spatialization tools developed by engineers and researchers hardly find their way from the developers' labs into the composition studios. To make future developments more applicable, researchers have to understand this current lack of coherence between development and artistic use.

In this talk, first, results of a quantitative study are presented and shows how composers use spatialization, what spatial aspects are essential and what functionalities spatial audio systems should strive to include or improve. Secondly, ViMiC (Virtual Microphone Control), a novel spatial rendering software is presented. ViMiC provides a computer-generated virtual environment for the purpose of creating spatial sounds scenes. Apart from positioning sound sources, other spatial aspects, such as source width, distance, and room impression, can be created in real-time, particularly for concert situations and site-specific immersive installations.

Time and place: , fourMs

Come and visit us during Open day at the university. There will be demonstrations of different motion capture systems, sonic interaction, robots, 3D-printing, and more.

Time and place: , Seminarrom 454, P.A. Munchs hus

Postdoctoral researcher Alexander Refsum Jensenius will hold an open lecture during the annual "Faglig-pedagogisk dag" at University of Oslo.

Tittel: Musikk og bevegelse

Sammendrag: Musikk oppst?r som bevegelse hos musikeren, og musikk skaper bevegelse hos den som lytter. Selv om de ?este er enige om at kropp og bevegelse er en naturlig, og essensiell, del av musikkopplevelsen, har det v?rt p?fallende lite fokus p? musikkrelaterte bevegelser i undervisning og forskning. Forelesningen vil gi en helhetlig presentasjon av hvordan vi kan forst? og studere musikkrelaterte bevegelser.

Time and place: , Seminarrom 454, P.A. Munchs hus

Postdoctoral researcher Alexander Refsum Jensenius will hold an open lecture during the annual "Faglig-pedagogisk dag" at University of Oslo.

Tittel: Musikk og bevegelse

Sammendrag: Musikk oppst?r som bevegelse hos musikeren, og musikk skaper bevegelse hos den som lytter. Selv om de ?este er enige om at kropp og bevegelse er en naturlig, og essensiell, del av musikkopplevelsen, har det v?rt p?fallende lite fokus p? musikkrelaterte bevegelser i undervisning og forskning. Forelesningen vil gi en helhetlig presentasjon av hvordan vi kan forst? og studere musikkrelaterte bevegelser.

Time and place: , FourMs

Assoc. Professor Marcelo M. Wanderley from McGill University in Montreal, Canada will hold a guest lecture on the topic Design and Evaluation of New Interfaces for Musical Expression.


Time and place: , FourMs

PhD students Marc Thompson & Birgitta Burger from the University of Jyv?skyl? will demonstrate the  MoCap Toolboxfor Matlab.

The MoCap Toolbox is a Matlab? toolbox that contains functions for the analysis and visualization of motion capture data. It supports the generic .c3d file format, the .tsv data format produced by the Qualisys ProReflex system, and the .wii format produced by the WiiDataCapture software.

Time and place: , fourMs lab, Veglaboratoriet, 4. etg.

As preparations for the Motion Capture Workshop next week, we will be giving an introduction to using the NaturalPoint Optitrack system that is currently set up in the fourMs Lab.

Time and place: , Norges musikkh?gskole

A workshop on hyperimprovisation, with international and national guests.

Time and place: , Auditoriet, Norges Musikkh?gskole


Time: onsdag 8. oktober kl 10.00 - 12.00

Location: Auditoriet, Norges musikkh?gskole

Title: The laptop as instrument

Lecturer: Dan Trueman, Princeton University


Time and place: , fourMs
Time and place: , Auditoriet, Norges Musikkh?gskole

Abstract: This talk presents one approach to the art and technology of performing music with digital computers - designing, implementing, evaluating, and iteratively developing new interfaces for the real-time expressive control of digital signal processing algorithms. The discussion will include presentations of my own musical instruments, the exploration of new performance techniques they bring about, and the musical and technological lessons learned during an evolutionary journey into a modern perspective on one of mankind"s oldest forms of art.

Time and place: , SPCL / IDMIL, McGill University, Suite 500, 550 Sherbrooke West, Montreal.

A workshop on basic issues of gesture definitions and gesture capture/representation.

Time and place: , Georg Sverdrups hus, Blindern

Musikkteknologidagene arrangeres av Institutt for musikkvitenskap (UiO) og NoTAM, i tilknytning til ULTIMA.

Time and place: , Universitetsplassen, Oslo

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