fourMs Forum: Natasha Barrett

Postdoctoral researcher Natasha Barrett will present some of her latest research. Including a demo.

Harnessing human agency in 3-D sound

In this seminar I will present the highlights of my research work from the last two years. The focus of my work has explored how the characteristics of human physical motion can be harnessed in 3-D sound, specifically via the application of 'very' higher order ambisonics (V-HOA) played over a high density loudspeaker array (HDLA). This work has resulted in three areas of detailed investigation: sonification as a way to analyse moving sources and apply the results in science and art; a solution to performing stereo electroacoustic compositions over an ambisonics loudspeaker array; and a study investigating whether listeners can identify human agency in spatialised sound, and if so, deducing the most salient features involved in this listening process. The seminar will include demos from the sonification program Cheddar, the Virtualmonium instrument, results from published work, and the latest unpublished results from recent listening tests.

The fourMs Forum is a monthly research seminar for anyone interested in the topics of Music, Mind, Motion and Machines.


Published Aug. 16, 2016 8:35 PM - Last modified Dec. 6, 2018 5:18 PM