NNIMIPA media online

Cynthia M. Grund, Network Coordinator for NNIMIPA, has posted a page with pictures and videos of the motion capture session done with American pianist William Westney during his visit to Oslo in February. There are also links to a video recording of a small discussion between Cynthia Grundt, William Westney and Alexander Refsum Jensenius on some of the topics discussed during the NNIMIPA workshop in Oslo.

Bildet kan inneholde: briller, m?bler, komfort, synsomsorg, menneskelig.

Video material recorded 18-19 February 2010. Video was re-edited and posted on 19 August 2010.

Tags: nnimipa, workshop, motion capture By Alexander Refsum Jensenius
Published July 23, 2012 3:29 PM - Last modified Sep. 18, 2024 3:15 PM