Musical Fireflies

A demonstration of distributed synchronisation of musical nodes.  

Mobile phones with Fireflie application

A Puredata-implementation can be run on your iOS device using MobMuPlat. Install the mobmuplat app on your device and add the PD-patch and the GUI-file to the mobmuplat-folder.

A matlab simulation is also available, enabling animation of the individual phases and frequencies of all nodes.

The Max/MSP version allows realtime simulation and manipulation of parameters.

The system has been  prototyped in Max:

A video showing the system running on iPods, an iPhone, and an iPad:

Matlab simulation:



Nymoen, Kristian; Chandra, Arjun; Glette, Kyrre Harald & T?rresen, Jim (2015). Decentralized harmonic synchronization in mobile music systems, In Kurosh Madani; Neil Y. Yen & Yusuke Manabe (ed.),  Awareness Science and Technology (iCAST), 2014 IEEE 6th International Conference on.  IEEE.  ISBN 978-1-4799-7373-6.  s 51 - 56

Tags: iOS, Synchronisation, Fireflies By Kristian Nymoen
Published Sep. 16, 2013 5:45 PM - Last modified Oct. 22, 2020 1:41 PM