\documentclass{report} \usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc} \usepackage[a4paper]{geometry} \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage{amsmath,amsthm} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage{verbatim} \usepackage{simplewick} \usepackage{enumitem} \usepackage[lf]{MinionPro} \usepackage[scr=rsfso,calscaled=.96]{mathalfa} \usepackage{xfrac} \usepackage{epic,eepic} \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage{bezier} \usepackage{pstricks} \usepackage{dcolumn}% Align table columns on decimal point \usepackage{bm}% bold math %\usepackage{braket} \newcommand{\One}{\hat{\mathbf{1}}} \newcommand{\eff}{\text{eff}} \newcommand{\Heff}{\hat{H}_\text{eff}} \newcommand{\Veff}{\hat{V}_\text{eff}} \newcommand{\braket}[1]{\langle#1\rangle} \newcommand{\Span}{\operatorname{sp}} \newcommand{\tr}{\operatorname{trace}} \newcommand{\diag}{\operatorname{diag}} \newcommand{\bra}[1]{\left\langle #1 \right|} \newcommand{\ket}[1]{\left| #1 \right\rangle} \newcommand{\element}[3] {\bra{#1}#2\ket{#3}} \newcommand{\normord}[1]{ \left\{#1\right\} } \usepackage{amsmath} \begin{document} \section*{Second midterm project fall 2015, FYS-KJM4480/9480} {\bf All answers must be written out and contain full explanations of calculations. \\ Date given: Monday November 15, 2015.\\ Date revised: Monday November 30, 2015.\\ Deadline: Monday Devember 7 at 14:15pm.} \subsection*{Introduction} We present a simple model consisting of an unperturbed Hamiltonian and a so-called pairing interaction term. It is a model which to a large extent mimicks some central features of atomic nuclei, certain atoms and systems which exhibit superfluiditity or superconductivity. In this project, there are no single-particle functions given --- instead, the Hamiltonian is given in terms of its one- and two-body matrix elements and creation and annihilation operators. We define first the Hamiltonian, with a definition of the model space and the single-particle basis. Thereafter, we present the various exercises. Our model consists of $M$ doubly-degenerate and equally spaced single-particle levels labelled by $p=1,2,\dots,M$ and spin $\sigma=\pm$. These states are schematically portrayed in Fig.~\ref{fig:schematic}, for $M=10$. Each single-particle state is associated with a creation operator $c^\dag_{p\sigma}$. We write the Hamiltonian as \[ \hat{H} = \hat{H}_0 + \hat{V} , \] where \[ \hat{H}_0=\sum_{p\sigma}\epsilon_p c_{p\sigma}^{\dagger}c_{p\sigma}, \quad \epsilon_p = \xi (p-1), \] and \[ \hat{V}=-\frac{1}{2}g\sum_{pq}c^{\dagger}_{p+} c^{\dagger}_{p-}c_{q-}c_{q+}. \] Here, $\hat{H}_0$ is the unperturbed Hamiltonian with a spacing between successive single-particle states given by $\xi$. For even number of particles $N$, the ground-state wavefunction of $\hat{H}_0$ is the Slater determinant \[ \ket{\Phi} = c^\dag_{1+} c^\dag_{1-} \cdots c^\dag_{\sfrac{N}{2}+} c^\dag_{\sfrac{N}{2}-} \ket{-}. \] This reference wavefunction also defines a Fermi level. The two-body operator $\hat{V}$ has a very simple form. It represents a \emph{pairing force} and carries a constant strength $g$. The interaction can only couple pairs, i.e, it couples two fermions occupying the same level $p$, as indicated by the rightmost four-particle state in Fig.~\ref{fig:schematic}. There, one of the pairs is excited to the state with $p=9$ and the other to the state $p=7$. The two middle possibilities have broken pairs, and will not be present in our treatment. We label single-particle states below the Fermi level as hole-states with indices $i\sigma$, etc. The single-particle states above the Fermi level are then particle states with indices $a\sigma$, etc. In our simple model model we have kept both the interaction strength and the single-particle level spacings as constants, i.e., they are independent of $p$. In a realistic system like an atom or the atomic nucleus this is not the case. It is convenient to define the so-called \emph{pair creation and pair annihilation operators} \[ \hat{P}^{\dag}_p \equiv c^\dag_{p+}c^\dag_{p-}, \] and \[ \hat{P}_p \equiv c_{p-}c_{p+}, \] respectively. We also define the number operator for the level $p$, \[ \hat{n}_p \equiv \sum_\sigma c^\dag_{p\sigma} c_{p\sigma}. \] The operator that counts the total number of \emph{pairs} is \[ \hat{P} = \sum_{p} \hat{P}^\dag_{p}\hat{P}_p. \] Finally, we define the spin-projection operator \[ \hat{S}_z := \frac{1}{2}\sum_{p\sigma} \sigma c^\dag_{p\sigma}c_{p\sigma}. \] We are now set for the exercises. \begin{figure*} \begin{center} \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.85] \begin{scope} \foreach \i in {1,...,10} { \draw (-1,\i-1) node[anchor=east] {$p = \i$} --(2,\i-1); } \filldraw (0,0) node[anchor=north,inner sep=.5cm] {$\sigma=+$} circle (0.25cm); \filldraw (1,0) node[anchor=north,inner sep=.5cm] {$\sigma=-$} circle (0.25cm); \filldraw (0,1) circle (0.25cm); \filldraw (1,1) circle (0.25cm); \end{scope} \begin{scope}[xshift=4cm] \foreach \i in {1,...,10} { \draw (-1,\i-1) --(2,\i-1); } \filldraw (0,0) node[anchor=north,inner sep=.5cm] {$\sigma=+$} circle (0.25cm); \filldraw (1,0) node[anchor=north,inner sep=.5cm] {$\sigma=-$} circle (0.25cm); \draw (0,1) circle (0.25cm); \draw (1,1) circle (0.25cm); \filldraw (0,3) circle (0.25cm); \filldraw (1,2) circle (0.25cm); \end{scope} \begin{scope}[xshift=8cm] \foreach \i in {1,...,10} { \draw (-1,\i-1) --(2,\i-1); } \filldraw (0,0) node[anchor=north,inner sep=.5cm] {$\sigma=+$} circle (0.25cm); \draw (1,0) node[anchor=north,inner sep=.5cm] {$\sigma=-$} circle (0.25cm); \draw (0,1) circle (0.25cm); \draw (1,1) circle (0.25cm); \filldraw (0,3) circle (0.25cm); \filldraw (1,2) circle (0.25cm); \filldraw (1,7) circle (0.25cm); \end{scope} \begin{scope}[xshift=12cm] \foreach \i in {1,...,10} { \draw (-1,\i-1) --(2,\i-1); } \draw (0,0) node[anchor=north,inner sep=.5cm] {$\sigma=+$} circle (0.25cm); \draw (1,0) node[anchor=north,inner sep=.5cm] {$\sigma=-$} circle (0.25cm); \draw (0,1) circle (0.25cm); \draw (1,1) circle (0.25cm); \filldraw (0,6) circle (0.25cm); \filldraw (1,6) circle (0.25cm); \filldraw (0,8) circle (0.25cm); \filldraw (1,8) circle (0.25cm); \end{scope} \end{tikzpicture} \end{center} \caption{Schematic plot of the possible single-particle levels with double degeneracy. The filled circles indicate occupied particle states while the empty circles represent vacant particle (hole) states. The spacing between each level $p$ is constant in this picture. The first two single-particle levels define a reference state $\ket{\Phi}$. In the second state to the left, one pair is broken. This state does not coupled to $\ket{\Phi}$ with our Hamiltonian. The rightmost state has two pairs excited from the reference, and does couple to $\ket{\Phi}$.\label{fig:schematic}} \end{figure*} \subsection*{Exercise 1 (10 points)} \begin{enumerate}[label=\emph{\alph*})] \item Show that $\hat{H}_0$ and $\hat{V}$ (and therefore also $\hat{H}$) commute with $\hat{S}_z$. \item Show that $\hat{H}_0$ and $\hat{V}$ (and therefore also $\hat{H}$) commute with $\hat{P}$. \item Show that $\hat{P}$ commutes with $\hat{S}_z$. \end{enumerate} Because of the vanishing commutators above, the Hamiltonian is block diagonal, i.e., we can find a complete set of eigenfunctions $\ket{\Psi_k;S_z,P}$ of $\hat{H}$ such that \begin{align*} \hat{H}\ket{\Psi_k;S_z,P} &= E_{k,S_z,P} \ket{\Psi_k;S_z,P} \\ \hat{P}\ket{\Psi_k;S_z,P} &= S_z \ket{\Psi_k;S_z,P} \\ \hat{S}_z\ket{\Psi_k;S_z,P} &= P \ket{\Psi_k;S_z,P} \end{align*} We henceforth focus on the case $N=4$ and $S_z = 0$, $P=2$, and $M=4$ levels. Thus, we seek eigenfunctions $\ket{\Psi_k} \equiv \ket{\Psi_k;0,2}$ and eigenvalues $E_k \equiv E_{k,S_z,P}$. We set $\xi = 1$ in the rest of the project. \begin{enumerate}[label=\emph{\alph*})]\setcounter{enumi}{3} \item Show that \[ [\hat{P}_p, \hat{P}^\dag_q] = \delta_{pq}(1 - \hat{n}_q). \] \item Show that $\hat{P}\ket{\Phi} = 2\ket{\Phi}$, and that $\hat{S}_z\ket{\Phi} = 0\ket{\Phi}$. \item Explain why the following set of Slater determinants form a basis for the subspace of Hilbert space with $S_z=0$, $P=2$: \begin{equation*} \ket{p\bar{p}q\bar{q}} \equiv P^\dag_p P^\dag_q \ket{-}, \quad 1 \leq p