Extended deadline for project 1

Dear all, since many of you have asked for an extension, we have decided to extend the deadline to next Saturday for project 1. The new deadline is now Saturday October 10 (midnight). You can upload a pdf file of the report

(with links to GitHub repo) or just upload the link the tour GitHub/GitLab folder. There is a time stamp on GitHub and that serves as proof of delivery time.


Your folder should contain typically three folders

1) the report as a pdf file (we can then annotate feedback on the pdf file)

2) a folder with your codes/jupyter notebook

3) a folder with test runs of your codes. This allows us to benchmark your code against those results.


You should also have a  README file which explains where we can find the various files. 


Hope this helps and best wishes to you all.


Morten et al.

Publisert 2. okt. 2020 11:23 - Sist endret 2. okt. 2020 11:23