Combined lecture notes are available (71 pages) - for those who want to have all the (lecture) notes in one file.
If you have read the Dirac note, the group theory note,
the "Lecture Notes 1-3" and the repetiton slides,...
then there is nothing new here.
The slides from the repetitio are available on the web of this course
As I have told in the lectures recetly:
At the final exam you may choose one of the following
5 subjects for the first 10 minutex of your oral exam
1) The S-matrix expansion(Scattering operator) of
quantum electrodyamics (QED)
2) Abelian and non-abelian gauge invariance
3) Quantum chromodynamics (QCD)
4) Spontanous symmetry breaking (SSB)
and the Higgs-mechanism
5) Electroweak interactions after the Higgs-mechanism.
There will be repetittion of the course
with overhead from a prepared pdf-file
via my laptop.... wednesday 16-18 and friday 10-12
Jan Olav Eeg
Results from the midterm exam are now published (access with log in for students registered in the course)
The midterm evaluation form can be found here: /studier/emner/matnat/fys/FYS4170/h21/mideval21.pdf
Mid term exam wil take place as a home exam from monday the 11th of october at 09.00 AM until friday the 15th of october at 12.00 AM
The last four lectures not a single student has been on zoom
From next week(wednesday 22 sept.) Zoom will not be launced.
It might come back if it is needed.
For those of you who might still be under covid-19-restrictions, online lectures will be possible. The relevant zoom link is under "overview" below.