Weekly plans and update for week 4

Last week we discussed the basic setup of a Variational Monte Carlo code for solving project 1. In setting up a C++ code for variational Monte Carlo calculations, we will use an excellent framework developed by a former Computational Physics student, Morten Ledum, now PhD student at the Hylleraas center for Quantum Chemistry. The GitHub repository is at https://github.com/mortele/variational-monte-carlo-fys4411.

At the lab today we will continue our discussions on how to build up the code while during our lectures we will discuss in more detail the Metropolis Algorithm, Markov Chains and Importance sampling.
These topics will be continued next week as well.
These technicalities are discussed in the lecture slides for this week, see the slides at http://compphysics.github.io/ComputationalPhysics2/doc/web/course and scroll down to week 4. 
In particular we will start discussing Importance sampling. 
Recordings of the lectures from the two previous weeks are available at the official schedule link for FYS4411/9411 /studier/emner/matnat/fys/FYS4411/v21/timeplan/index.html#FOR
There you find videos from the lectures and lab sessions.

As of now, due to the present covid-19 restrictions, we have to run lectures and labs in a digital mode.
We are very sorry for this but we hope the online material can be of use.

Best wishes to you all,
Morten and ?yvind

Published Jan. 28, 2021 8:21 AM - Last modified Jan. 28, 2021 8:21 AM