""" Exercise 9.4: We create an alternative class hierarchy by starting from the Polynomial class used in the Lecture Oct 30, and deriving Parabola and Line as subclasses of this. Since the Polynomial class is quite general, most of it can be reused and the sub-classes become very small. """ import numpy class Polynomial: def __init__(self, coefficients): self.coeff = coefficients def __call__(self, x): """Evaluate the polynomial.""" s = 0 for i in range(len(self.coeff)): s += self.coeff[i]*x**i return s def __add__(self, other): """Return self + other as Polynomial object.""" # Two cases: # # self: X X X X X X X # other: X X X # # or: # # self: X X X X X # other: X X X X X X X X # Start with the longest list and add in the other if len(self.coeff) > len(other.coeff): result_coeff = self.coeff[:] # copy! for i in range(len(other.coeff)): result_coeff[i] += other.coeff[i] else: result_coeff = other.coeff[:] # copy! for i in range(len(self.coeff)): result_coeff[i] += self.coeff[i] return Polynomial(result_coeff) def __sub__(self, other): """Return self - other as Polynomial object. As for the add function above, we have two cases that must be treated separately: one where self.coeff is longer than other.coeff, one where other.coeff is longest. The difference from the __add__ method is that for subtraction the order matters, so the implementation must be slightly different """ #start with the simplest case, where self is longest: if len(self.coeff) > len(other.coeff): result_coeff = self.coeff[:] # copy! for i in range(len(other.coeff)): result_coeff[i] -= other.coeff[i] else: #Here, the polynomial we subtract is the #longest, which requires some extra care: result_coeff = [0]*len(other.coeff) for i in range(len(self.coeff)): result_coeff[i] = self.coeff[i] for i in range(len(other.coeff)): result_coeff[i] -= other.coeff[i] return Polynomial(result_coeff) def __str__(self): s = '' for i in range(0, len(self.coeff)): if self.coeff[i] != 0: s += ' + %g*x^%d' % (self.coeff[i], i) # Fix layout s = s.replace('+ -', '- ') s = s.replace('x^0', '1') s = s.replace(' 1*', ' ') s = s.replace('x^1 ', 'x ') #s = s.replace('x^1', 'x') # will replace x^100 by x^00 if s[0:3] == ' + ': # remove initial + s = s[3:] if s[0:3] == ' - ': # fix spaces for initial - s = '-' + s[3:] return s """ The exercise text asks for a different type of constructor for classes Parabola an Line, which takes the coeffecients as separate arguments. The classes must therefore implement their own constructor, while the rest can be inherited from the Polynomial base class. """ class Parabola(Polynomial): def __init__(self,c0,c1,c2): self.coeff = [c0,c1,c2] class Line(Parabola): def __init__(self,c0,c1): self.coeff = [c0,c1] """ Example usage: Parabola and Line support pretty print and addition because of inheritance from the Polynomial base class. """ p0 = Parabola(1,2,3) print(p0) l0 = Line(5,4) print(l0) p1 = l0+p0 print(p1)