import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #a) def seq_a(N): index_set = range(0,N+1,2) a = np.zeros(len(index_set)) for i in range(len(a)): n = index_set[i] a[i] = (7+1.0/(n+1))/(3-1.0/(n+1)**2) return a #print(seq_a(100)) #print(7/3) #b) def seq_b(N): index_set = range(N+1) d = np.zeros(len(index_set)) for n in index_set: h = 2**(-n) d[n] = np.sin(h)/h return d #print(seq_b(50)) #c) def D(f,x,N): index_set = range(N+1) d = np.zeros(len(index_set)) for n in index_set: h = 2**(-n) d[n] = (f(x+h)-f(x))/h return d #This call should work as expected d1 = D(np.sin,0,80) plt.plot(d1,'o',fillstyle='none') #d) """ The plot resulting from this call does not look right: d1 = D(np.sin,0,80) plt.plot(d1,'o',fillstyle='none') """ #e) """ The problem is round-off error. If h is smaller than approx 1e-16, pi + h = 0 on a computer. The numerator then becomes exactly zero (to machine precision), and the fraction is zero even if the denominator is also very small. """