import psycopg2 # Login details for database user dbname = "" # Set in your UiO-username user = "" # Set in your UiO-username + _priv pwd = "" # Set inn the password for the _priv-user you got in a mail # Gather all connection info into one string connection = \ "host='' " + \ "dbname='" + dbname + "' " + \ "user='" + user + "' " + \ "port='5432' " + \ "password='" + pwd + "'" def frontend(): conn = psycopg2.connect(connection) # Create a connection ch = 0 username = "" while (username == ""): print("-- USER FRONTEND --") print("Please choose an option:\n 1. Register\n 2. Login\n 3. Exit") ch = get_int_from_user("Option: ", True) if (ch == 1): register(conn) # Register a new user elif (ch == 2): username = login(conn) # Login with existing user elif (ch == 3): return # Exit program # Once logged in, can now search for products search(conn, username) def register(conn): print(" -- REGISTER NEW USER --") # Get credentials for new user account username = input("Username: ") password = input("Password: ") name = input("Name: ") address = input("Address: ") cur = conn.cursor() # Create a cursor object that can be used for executing queries # We can use %s as a place holder for a value, and then pass a tuple of values to be substituted for # these place holders. The first placeholder is then substituted with the first element in the tuple, # and so on. # NOTE: NEVER store passwords in plain text for an actual application!!! cur.execute("INSERT INTO ws.users(name, username, password, address) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s);", (name, username, password, address)) conn.commit() print("New user " + username + " added!") def login(conn): print(" -- LOGIN --") username = input("Username: ") password = input("Password: ") cur = conn.cursor() # If we do not use these placeholders, the program is susceptible to SQL injection attacks # More on this next lecture. cur.execute("SELECT username, name FROM ws.users WHERE username = %s AND password = %s;", (username, password)) # To get the resuts from a SELECT-query, we can call fetchall() on the # cursor. This will make a list of lists, where each inner list represents one row rows = cur.fetchall() # Retrieve all restults into a list of tuples if (rows == []): # The query returned no results, thus the user-password pair does not exist in the DB print("Incorrect username or password.") return "" else: row = rows[0] print("Welcome", row[1]) # Print "Welcome " return row[0] # Return username def search(conn, username): print(" -- SEARCH --") name = input("Search: ") category = input("Category: ") # We will now construct the search query based on the user's input # For long queries, is is helpful to name the placeholders # This is done by placing the name of the place holder in parenthesis between the % and the s q = "SELECT,, p.price, AS category, p.description " + \ "FROM ws.products AS p INNER JOIN ws.categories AS c USING (cid)" + \ "WHERE LIKE %(name)s" if (category != ""): q += " AND = %(category)s" q += ";" cur = conn.cursor() # We can then give a map from placeholder name to value, like below cur.execute(q, {'name' : "%"+name+"%", 'category' : category}) rows = cur.fetchall() # Retrieve all restults into a list of tuples if (rows == []): print("No results.") return print(" -- RESULTS --\n") for row in rows: print("=== " + row[1] + " ===\n" + \ "Product ID: " + str(row[0]) + "\n" + \ "Price: " + str(row[2]) + "\n" + \ "Category: " + row[3]) if (row[3] != "NULL"): print("Description: " + row[4]) print("\n") order_products(conn, username) def order_products(conn, username): return def get_int_from_user(msg, needed): # Utility method that gets an int from the user with the first argument as message # Second argument is boolean, and if false allows user to not give input, and will then # return None while True: numStr = input(msg) if (numStr == "" and not needed): return None; try: return int(numStr) except: print("Please provide an integer or leave blank."); if __name__ == "__main__": frontend()