Answers and Grading Guidelines

We have now published the Answers and grading guidelines for the spring 2020 exam.

A record number of students took the exam this semester: 33 candidates in IN3060, and another 24 in IN4060.

Since the exam was only graded as pass/fail this year, we were not as rigorous with counting credits as we typically are in other years.  The pass/fail mark was at around 30 marks, and all students who passed were well over that number, so we feel confident that they deserved to pass.

In fact, we were really happy and proud to see how many of you put a considerable effort into writing a good exam, and not only one that will allow you to pass.  We didn’t think much about the grade intervals of course, but in a normal year this exam would have given approximately 20 Cs, 15 Bs, and 12 As.  One of the IN4060 students managed to score 99.5/100 marks, which is really impressive.

Congratulations to all of you for a job well done!

Have a nice summer :-)

Martin and Ole Magnus



Published June 28, 2020 4:15 PM - Last modified June 28, 2020 4:15 PM