Disclaimer: These are notes taken before the exam not ment as a readable solution. There is no guarantee for correctness nor completness of the solutions sketched here! Other solutions can also be correct. -- Task 1: R=200e3; C=10e-9; f=25e3; VD=0.2; Vr=(Vp-VD)/C/R/f Vr = 0.0160 When not taking VD into account: Vr = 0.020 -- Task 2: function [rds]=drainresistance(V_ov,k_n) if V_ov>0 r_ds= 1/(k_n*V_ov); else VT=26e-3; IS=2*k_n*VT^2; r_ds= 1/(IS*exp(V_ov/VT)/VT); end; -- Task 3: function [V_OVp]=pMOSOverdrive(V_OVn) V_OVp=V_OVn*sqrt(2.2) end; -- Task 4: function [Ai1,Ai2]=CurrentConveyor(RS,RL,gm,ro) Ai1=RS/(RS+RL); Ai2=RS/(RS+1/gm+RL/(gm*ro)); %Ai2=RS/(RS+(ro+RL)/(1+gm*ro)); %more precisely -- Task 5: %RO*RL/(RO+RL)=2/3*RO %1/RL+1/RO=3/2*RO RL=30e3; RO=0.5*RL; %RO=15e3 %Gm*RO=18 Gm=18/RO %Gm=1.2e-3 -- Task 6: wp1=100; beta=0.1; wt=wp1*10^(42/20)*beta % for 60deg PM from table in lecture: % wt/wp2=0.580 wp2=wt/0.58 -- Task 7: Port 1 Port 6 -- Task 8: See illustration in file 'LogicGateExampleNPsolution.png' -- Task 9: See illustration in figure 'expDecayCount.png'