Week 7

Lecture 8: POS-tagging, softmax, skipgram, 4 Oct.



Mandatory reading

Jurafsky and Martin, Speech and Language Processing, 3. ed. (edition of Sept. 2021!)

  • Ch. 8 "Sequence labeling"
    • Sec 8.0-8.2
    • Sec. 8.4 "HMM POS tagging"
      • Except 8.4.5-8.4.6 "The Viterbi Algorithm"
    • Sec. 8.5 CRF
    • Sec. 8.7-8.8
  • Ch. 18, "Word Senses and Word Net"
    • Sec. 18.0-18.3

Lab-session, Thursday 7 October at Sed



Published Oct. 3, 2021 1:25 PM - Last modified Oct. 5, 2021 12:34 PM