
Published Sep. 29, 2020 9:09 AM

Here are the three projects groups:

Group 1:
Espen - Abinaya - Miriam

Group 2:
Bj?rn - Susann - Vincent

Group 3:
Lara - Melike - Johanna

Published Sep. 19, 2020 10:56 AM

Dear students,

We start Tuesday at 10:15 exactly. Be there! The lecture room (5370) is not easy to find, so give your self some time to find it (when you are at the 5th floor, take the door at your right when you come from the elevator or left when you come in from the stairs - enter the door and go right in the corridor - entrance to the room is to the right).

As part of the learning goals of the course, you will write your lecture notes by hand on paper. Bring your favourite notebook! I will bring some extra notebooks and pens in case you forget. Digital tools can be used during group work and other activities.

Looking forward to meeting you!


Published July 19, 2020 1:44 PM

Dear master students and PhD candidates,

This course is moving permanently to the spring semester. If you are starting your Master's in Design, Use, Interaction this August, you will take IN5010 in the spring of 2021.

All other students (also from other programmes) and PhD candidates can take the course this coming autumn.

I will publish the reading material for the course early August. Let's hope we will be able to meet and discuss in person, so stay healthy, be smart about Covid-19, and have a great summer!

Maja van der Velden