Syllabus/achievement requirements

We use in the course the flipped classroom method. This means that you read the assigned article or chapter befor you come to class. We use the time together to go deeper in the material, discuss examples, explore the social and ethical implications, watch and discuss a related documentary film, etc.

The ten articles/chapters below form the mandatory curriculum for the course (for some articles, you need to have a UiO IP address, so log into the library system). Below it, in the secondary resources section, I will add some additional articles/chapters which can be used in the exam essay or for further reading in a topic. Please check the schedule for the reading assignments.

Resources used in class:

I. Questioning Design and Technology

Ansari, Ahmad (2019). Decolonizing design through the perspectives of cosmological others: Arguing for an ontological turn in design research and practice. In: XRDS: Crossroads, November 2019. (4 pages) Online:

Boehnert, Joanna (2018). The Technofix. Chapter 14 in "Design, Ecology, Politics". Bloomsbury (10 pp). (coming soon)

Constanza-Chock, Sasha (2018). Design Justice: towards an intersectional feminist framework for design theory and practice. Design Research Society (14 pp).

Escobar, Arturo (2018). Out of the Studio and into the Flow of Socionatural Life, Chapter 1 in "Designs for the Pluriverse: Radical Interdependence, Autonomy, and the Making of Worlds". Duke University Press (24 pp).

Feng, P & Andrew Feenberg (2008). Thinking about Design: Critical Theory of Technology and the Realization of Design Possibilities. Chapter 8 in "Philosphy and Design". Springer (14 pp).

II. Design and Technology for Sustainment

Irwin, Terry (2018). The Emerging Transition Design Approach. Design Research Society (14 pp).

Patrignani, Norberto & Diane Whitehouse (2014). Slow Tech: The bridge between computer ethics and business ethics. In HCC11 2014, IFIP AICT 431, pp. 92-106 (14 pp)

Sharkey, Noel (2014). Towards a principle for the human supervisory control of robot weapons. In: Politica & Società, 2 (14 pp).

III. Transformative Repair

Graham, Stephen & Nigel Thrift (2008). Out of Order: Understanding Repair and Maintenance. In: Theory, Culture, Society 24(3) (25 pp).

Jackson, Steven J. (2014). Rethinking Repair in "Media Technologies: Essays on Communication, Materiality, and Society", eds. Tarleton Gillespie, Pablo Boczkowski, and Kirsten Foot (20 pp).

Secondary Resources (a selection):

Resources marked with [a] can be used as references in the exam essay. Most resources are relevant for more than one topic. I am still working on this section, so thinks may change.

Meeting 1: Introduction to IN5010

[a] Cunliffe a. L. & M. Easterby-Smith (2004). From Reflection to Practical Reflexivity: Experiential Learning as Lived Experience. In Organizing Reflection. M. Reynolds & R. Vince, eds. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate: 30–46: 31).

[a] Eriksen, K. G. (2020). Discomforting presence in the classroom – the affective technologies of race, racism and whiteness. Whiteness and Education, 0(0), 1–20.

[a] Fry, T. (2011). Urban futures in the age of unsettlement. In Futures, 43(4), p. 432-439.

[a] Mangen et al. (2013). Reading linear texts on paper versus computer screen: Effects on reading comprehension. In International Journal of Educational Research, 58, pp. 61-68.

[a] Mueller, P.A. and D.M. Oppenheimer (2014). The Pen is Mightier Than the Keyboard: The Advantages of Longhand over Laptop Note Taking. In Psychological Science (online first)

[a] Singer, L.M. and P.A. Alexander (2016). Reading Across Mediums: Effects of Reading Digital and Print Texts on Comprehension and Calibration. Journal of Experimental Education, 85(1).

Stockholm Resilience Centre (2016). Planetary Boundaries

Rockstr?m, J. (2010). Let the environment guide our development (video, 18:41 mins)

United Nations (2015). The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. More:

- Systems Thinking

[a] Easterbrook, S. (2014). From Computational Thinking to Systems Thinking: A conceptual toolkit for sustainability computing. 235–244.

[a] Ison, R. (2017). Systems Practice: How to Act.

[a] Sankaran, S. (2017). Taking Action Using Systems Research. In M. C. Edson, P. B. Henning, & S. Sankaran (Eds.), A Guide to Systems Research (pp. 111–142).

[a] Stephens, A., Taket, A., & Gagliano, M. (2019). Ecological Justice for Nature in Critical Systems Thinking. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 36(1), 3–19.

- Systemic Design

[a] Jones, P. and Kijima, K. (2017). Systemic Design: Theory, Methods, and Practice (book)

Systems Oriented Design (Oslo School for Architecture and Design – AHO):

Systemic Design Toolkit:

- Course philosophy and located accountability

[a] de la Bellacasa, M. Puig (2012). ‘Nothing comes without its world’: thinking with care. In Sociological Review 60(2): 197-216

[a] de la Bellacasa, M. Puig (2011). Matters of Care in Tecnoscience: Assembling Neglected Things. In Social Studies of Science: 41(1): 85-106

[a] Haraway, D. (1988). Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective. In Feminist Studies 2(3)

[a] Suchman, Lucy (2002). Local accountabilities in technology production Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems, 14(2).

- The Social Dilemma

Lodi, Simona (2010). Facebook Suicide Machine (website & video, 2:34 mins.)

Lovink, Geert (2012). What is the Social in Social media? In: e-flux, no. 40.

Matthias (2014). Delete Facebook (video, 4:52 mins.)

Pariser, Eli (2011). Beware of online "filter bubbles" (video, 9 mins.)

Meeting 2: Design = Politics?

Berg, A.-J., & Lie, M. (1995). Feminism and Constructivism: Do Artifacts Have Gender? Science, Technology, & Human Values, 20(3), 332–351.

[a] Coroama, V., & Mattern, F. (2019). Digital Rebound – Why Digitalization Will Not Redeem Us Our Environmental Sins. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on ICT for Sustainability (ICT4S 2019).

Haly, Tim (2012). The unintented consequences of technology (website)

[a] Introna, Lucas D. (2007). Maintaining the reversibility of foldings: Making the ethics (politics) of information technology visible. In Ethics and Information Technology, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 11-25.

[a] Introna, Lucas D. and David Woods (2004). Picturing Algorithmic Surveillance: The Politics of Facial Recognition Systems. In Surveillance & Society, vol. 2, no. 2/3, pp. 177-198.

[a] Markussen, R. (1996). Politics of intervention in design: Feminist reflections on the Scandinavian tradition. AI & Society, 10(2), 127–141.

[a] Redstr?m, J. (2006). Persuasive Design: Fringes and Foundations. In W. A. IJsselsteijn, Y. A. W. de Kort, C. Midden, B. Eggen, & E. van den Hoven (Eds.), Persuasive Technology (pp. 112–122). Springer.

[a] Santarius, T., & Soland, M. (2018). How Technological Efficiency Improvements Change Consumer Preferences: Towards a Psychological Theory of Rebound Effects. Ecological Economics, 146, 414–424.

[a] Schneider, C., Weinmann, M., & vom Brocke, J. (2018). Digital nudging: Guiding online user choices through interface design. Communications of the ACM, 61(7), 67–73.

Winner, L. (1980). Do Artifacts Have Politics? Daedalus, 109(1), 121–136.

Meeting 3: Be(com)ing a reflexive designer, maker, researcher?

[a] Attia, M., & Edge, J. (2017). Be(com)ing a reflexive researcher: A developmental approach to research methodology. Open Review of Educational Research, 4(1), 33–45.

[a] Choudry, Aziz (2019). Activists and the Surveillance State: Learning from repression. London: Pluto Press (264 pp).

[a] Jonas, Hans (1973). Technology and Responsibility: Reflections on the new tasks of ethics. In: Social Research, vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 31-54.

[a] Oudshoorn, N., Rommes, E., & Stienstra, M. (2004). Configuring the User as Everybody: Gender and Design Cultures in Information and Communication Technologies. Science, Technology, & Human Values, 29(1), 30–63. (on i-methodology)

[a] Stahl, Bernd C. (2013). Teaching Ethical Reflexivity in Information Systems: How to Equip Students to Deal With Moral and Ethical Issues of Emerging Information and Communication Technologies. In Journal of Information Systems Education, v.22(3), pp. 253-260.

[a] van der Velden, Maja (2011). When knowledges meet: Wikipedia and other stories from the contact zone. In Geert Lovink & Nathaniel Tkatz (eds.),Critical Point of View: A Wikipedia Reader. (about diffractive reading in stead of comparisson)

[a] van der Velden, M. (2010). Undesigning culture: A brief reflection on design as ethical practice. In F. Sudweeks, H. Hrachovec and C. Ess (eds). Proceedings Cultural Attitudes Towards Communication and Technology 2010, Murdoch University, Australia, 117-123

[a] Verbeek, Peter-Paul (2006). Materializing Morality: Design Ethics and technological Mediation. In: Science, technology, & Human Values, 31(3):361-380.

Weaver, J. (2020, June 18). Design has an empathy problem: White men can’t design for everyone. Medium.

Meeting 4: Transformative Repair

Hickel, J. (2019). The dark side of the Nordic model.

Keulemans, G., Rubenis, N., & Marks, A. (2017). Object Therapy – A research and remaking project by Hotel Hotel.

[a] Keulemans, G., Rubenis, N., & Marks, A. (2017). Object Therapy: Critical design and methodologies of human research in transformative repair. Research in Design Series, 186–191.

[a] Hickel, J. (2019). Degrowth: A theory of radical abundance. Real-World Economics Review, 87, 15.

Oteng-Ababio, M., & van der Velden, M. (2019). ’Welcome to Sodom’—Six myths about electronic waste in Agbogbloshie, Ghana. SMART.

[a] Taylor, M. B., & van der Velden, M. (2019). Resistance to Regulation: Failing Sustainability in Product Lifecycles. Sustainability, 11(22), 6526.

[a] van der Velden, M., Taylor, M. B., & Oteng-Ababio, M. (2019). Sustainable Product Lifecycles: A Systemic Approach to the Regulation of E-Waste. Product Lifecycles and the Environment (PLATE), Berlin

[a] van der Velden, M. (2016). Design as Regulation. In J. Abdelnour-Nocera, M. Strano, C. Ess, M. Van der Velden, & H. Hrachovec (Eds.), Culture, Technology, Communication. Common World, Different Futures (pp. 32–54). Springer International Publishing.

Sustainable Development Index: (Norway scores very poorly on resource use and GHG emissions)

The Global E-waste Monitor 2020:  (Norway produces the highest amount of e-waste per capita)

Meeting 5 and 6: Sustainability and Design

- Circular Economy

[a] Braungart, M., McDonough, W., & Bollinger, A. (2007). Cradle-to-cradle design: Creating healthy emissions – a strategy for eco-effective product and system design. Journal of Cleaner Production, 15(13), 1337–1348.

- Repair

iFixit (2016). iFixit: The free repair manual for everyone

Wiens, Kyle (2012). The shady world of repair manuals: Copyrighted for planned obsolescence.

- Sustainable Design

[a] Blevis, Eli (2007). Sustainable Interaction Design: Invention & Disposal, Renewal & Reuse. CHI 2007 Proceedings

[a] Fry, Tony (2010). On Good design. Introduction to Unsettled: Inkahoots.

[a] Gaziulusoy, I. and ?ztekin, E. E. (2019). Design for Sustainability Transitions: Origins, Attitudes and Future Directions. In Sustainability,

Meeting 7: Sustainable Digitalisation?

Brugger, H., & Eichhammer, W. (2019). Studying the impacts of digitalization and further societal trends on energy demand. European Energy Innovation.

Cologna, V., Creutzburg, L., & Frick, V. (2020). Sufficiency: The missing ingredient for sustainable digitalisation. SocietyByte, 6.

Engelbert, J., van Zoonen, L., & Hirzalla, F. (2019). Excluding citizens from the European smart city: The discourse practices of pursuing and granting smartness. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 142, 347–353.

Graham, M., & Anwar, M. A. (2019). The global gig economy: Towards a planetary labour market? First Monday, 24(4).

Graham, M., Hjorth, I., & Lehdonvirta, V. (2017). Digital labour and development: Impacts of global digital labour platforms and the gig economy on worker livelihoods. Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research.

Messner, D., Fromhold-Eisebith, M., Grote, U., Matthies, E., Pittel, K., Schellnhuber, H. J., Schieferdecker, I., Schlacke, S., & Schneidewind, U. (2019). Digital Momentum for the UN Sustainability Agenda in the 21st Century (UNU-EHS Policy Reports, p. 28). WBGU.

[a] Renda, A., & Laurer, M. (2020). What can the Digital Transformation and IoT achieve for Agend a 2030? (p. 57). Centre for European Policy Studies.

Salhi, Ismael (2015). Slow tech Manifesto

Meeting 8: Technofixes


[a] Gunderson, R., Stuart, D., & Petersen, B. (2019). The Political Economy of Geoengineering as Plan B: Technological Rationality, Moral Hazard, and New Technology. New Political Economy, 24(5), 696–715.

[a] Parsons, J., Buongiorno, J., Corradini, M., & Petti, D. (2019). A fresh look at nuclear energy. Science, 363(6423), 105–105.

[a] Rolnick, D., Donti, P. L., Kaack, L. H., Kochanski, K., Lacoste, A., Sankaran, K., Ross, A. S., Milojevic-Dupont, N., Jaques, N., Waldman-Brown, A., Luccioni, A., Maharaj, T., Sherwin, E. D., Mukkavilli, S. K., Kording, K. P., Gomes, C., Ng, A. Y., Hassabis, D., Platt, J. C., … Bengio, Y. (2019). Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning. ArXiv:1906.05433 [Cs, Stat].

[a] Ryan, M., Antoniou, J., Brooks, L., Jiya, T., Macnish, K., & Stahl, B. (2019). Technofixing the Future: Ethical Side Effects of Using AI and Big Data to meet the SDGs. IEEE SmartWorld

[a] Schneider, L. (2019). Fixing the Climate? How Geoengineering Threatens to Undermine the SDGs and Climate Justice. Development, 62(1), 29–36.

[a] Siqueira, D. S., de Almeida Meystre, J., Hilário, M. Q., Rocha, D. H. D., Menon, G. J., & da Silva, R. J. (2019). Current perspectives on nuclear energy as a global climate change mitigation option. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 24(5), 749–777.

[a] Smolker, R. (2019). Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Sequestration (BECCS): The Distracting Injustice of an Infeasible and Unlikely Technofix. Development, 62(1), 13–18.

Meeting 9: Design and intentionality

Meeting 10: Theories of Technology/Sustainable AI

- Theories of technology:

Feenberg, Andrew (2003). What is Philosophy of Technology.

[a] Wyatt, Sally (2008). Technological determinism is dead: Long live technological determinism. In The Handbook of Science & Technology Studies, E. Hackett, O. Amsterdamska, M. Lynch and J. Wajcman (eds), Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp. 165-181.

[a] van der Velden, Maja (2008). What's love got to do with IT? On ethics and accountability in telling technology stories. In F. Sudweeks, H. Hrachovec, (Eds), Cultural attitudes towards technology and communication 2008 (pp. 27-39). Murdoch: Murdoch University.

- AI:

ACM USA (2017). Statement on Algorithmic Transparency and Accountability.

[a] Annany, Mike & Kate Crawford (2018). Seeing without knowing: Limitations of the transparency ideal and its application to algorithmic accountability. In New Media & Society, 20(3), p. 973.989.

[a] Beer, David (2017. The Social Power of Algorithms. In Information, Communication & Society, 20(1), p. 1-13.

[a] Buolamwini, Joy (2018). Gender Shades: Ontersectional Accuracy Disparities in Commercial gender Classification. In Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, no. 81, p. 1-15.

Dusik et. al. (2018). Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment of Automation: Scoping Working Paper.

[a] Fjelland, Ragnar (2020). Why general artificial intelligence will not be realized. Nature: Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 7(10),

[a] Floridi et al. (2018). AI4People—An Ethical Framework for a Good AI Society: Opportunities, Risks, Principles, and Recommendations. In Minds and Machines, 28(4), 689-707

Guardian, The (2019). Automating Poverty: A series exploring how our governments use AI to target the vulnerable.

Pasquale, Frank) 2020). Machines set loose to slaughter: the dangerous rise of military AI. The Guardian, 15.10.2020

[a] Introna, L. & D. Woods (2004). Picturing Algorithmic Surveillance: The Politics of Facial  Recognition Systems. In Surveillance & Society 2(2/3), p. 177-198.

Lanier, J. & G. Weyl, (2020). AI is an Ideology, Not a Technology. In Wired, 15.03.2020.

Levin, S. (2017). New AI can guess whether you're gay or straight from a photograph. The Guardian, 08.09.2017

[a] Mager, Astrid (2012). Algorythmic Ideology: How capitalist society shapes search engines. In Information, Communication & Society Vol. 15, No. 5, June 2012, pp. 769–787

Pro Publica (2016). Machine Bias: There’s software used across the country to predict future criminals. And it’s biased against blacks.

Sample, Ian (2017). Computer says no: why making AIs fair, accountable and transparent is crucial. The Guardian, 05.11.2017

The Toronto Declaration (2018). The Toronto Declaration: Protecting the rights to equality and non-discrimination in machine learning systems. RightsCon, Toronto

West, S.M., Whittaker, M. & K. Crawford (2019). Discriminating Systems: Gender, Race and Power in AI. AI Now Institute.

[a] Wiener, N. (1960). Some Moral and Technical Consequences of Automation. In Science, New Series, 131(3410), pp. 1355-1358.

- Privacy:

[a] Adam, Alison (2005). Delegating and Distributing Morality: Can We Inscribe Privacy Protection in a Machine? In Ethics and Information Technology, vol 7, no. 4, pp. 233-242.

Cadwalladr, Caroline (2016). Google, democracy and the truth about internet search The Guardian (online)

Cavoukian, A. (2007). Privacy by Design: Foundational principles. Information & Privacy Commissioner, Ontario, Canada

[a] Ess, Charles (2011). Self, Community, and Ethics in Digital Mediatized Worlds. In Ess, Charles and Thorseth, May (eds.), Trust and Virtual Worlds: Contemporary Perspectives. New York: Lang, pp. 3-30.

[a] Grosser, Benjamin (2014). What Do Metrics Want. How Quantificaion Describes Social Interaction on Facebook. In: Computational Journal, no. 4, November 2014.

Hern, Alex (2016). Your battery status is being used to track you online. The Guardian (online)

[a] Kramer, Adam D.I., Jamie E. Guillory, and Jeffrey T. Hancock (2014). Experimental evidence of massive-scale emotional contagion through social networks. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States, vol. 111, no. 24. (Facebook manipulation of users' mood)

[a] Shilton, Katie (2012). Value Levers: Building Ethics Into Design. In: Science Technology & Human Values (23).

Shirky, Clay (2011). The Political Power of social media. In: Foreign Affairs, no. 28, pp. 28-41.

[a] Twenge, Jean M. (2013). Does Online Social Media Lead to Social Connection or Social Disconnection? In: Journal of College & Character, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 11-20

- Surveillance

[a] Andrejevic, Mark (2014). Wikileaks, Surveillance, and Transparency. In International Journal of Communication, no. 8.

Datatilsynet (2014). Chilling down in Norway (report on Snowden effect)

[a] Richards, Neil M. (2013). The Dangers of Surveillance. Harvard Law Review, 2013.

Rusdal, E.H. (2017). Vandrehistorie ble virkelighet. Dagsavisen, 03.10.2017 (cameraphone takes a picture of you every time you tweet Donald Trump)

The Guardian (2017). Surveillance (special section with all articles on surveillance published in the Guardian).

Waddell, Kaveh (2015) The Moral Failure of Computer Scientists.The Atlantic (online)

Meeting 11: Design Justice

[a] Irani et all. (2010). Postcolonial Computing: A Lens on design and development. In Proceedings of CHI2010, April 10-15, 2010, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

[a] Philip, Kavita, Irani, Lilly and Paul Dourish (2010). Postcolonial Computing: A Tactical Survey. In Science, Technology, & Human Values, 000(00), pp. 1-27.

[a] Moser, I. & J. Law (2003). Making Voices: New Media Technologies, Disabilities, and Articulation. In  Gunnar Liest?l, Andrew Morrison, and Terje Rasmussen (eds), Digital Media Revisited: Theoretical and Conceptual Innovation in Digital Domains, Cambridge, Mass., and London: MIT Press.

[a] van der Velden, Maja and Christina M?rtberg (2012). Between Need and Desire: Exploring Strategies for Gendering Design. In: Science, Technology & Human Values, November, (37): 663-683

[a] Winschiers-Theophilus, Heiek et al. (2010). Being participated: a community approach. In: PDC'10 Proceedings of the 11th Biennial Participatory Design Conference, pp 1-10.

Meeting 12: AI and Design Justice

Angwin et al. (2016). Machine Bias. ProPublica.

Meeting 13: A sustainable circular economy?

[a] Fuchs, Christian (2013). Theorising and analysing digital labour: From global value chaines to modes of production. In: The Political Economy of Communication, 2(1), 3-27.

[a] O'Neill et al. (2018). A Good Life Within Planetary Boundaries. In Nature Sustainability, 1, pp. 88-95. Website with graphics: A Good life within Planetary Boundaries

Tonkinwise, Cameron (2018). "Future Empathy Expertise: The Ongoing Politicking involved in Transition Designing" (video presentation at AHO, Oslo)

DIY-Practical tools to trigger & support social innovation (2019) Theory of Change

Meeting 14: Course Summary

Resources on Ethics,

- AI

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (2020). Ethics of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

- Information security

Mitchell, Matt (2020). Maybe We Have Been Doing This Wrong?: Protester as Persona. (seen also #CryptoHarlem)

- IoT

Antoniou, J., & Andreou, A. (2019). Case Study : The Internet of Things and EthicsORBIT Journal2(2).

- Robotics

[a] Palmerini, E., Bertolini, A., Battaglia, F., Koops, B.-J., Carnevale, A., & Salvini, P. (2016). RoboLaw: Towards a European framework for robotics regulation. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 86, 78–85.

[a] Stahl, B. C., & Coeckelbergh, M. (2016). Ethics of healthcare robotics: Towards responsible research and innovation. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 86, 152–161.






Published Aug. 19, 2020 3:38 PM - Last modified Oct. 20, 2020 1:54 PM