import sympy as sym import numpy as np V, t, I, w, dt = sym.symbols('V t I w dt') # global symbols f = None # global variable for the source term in the ODE def ode_source_term(u): """Return the terms in the ODE that the source term must balance, here u'' + w**2*u. u is symbolic Python function of t.""" return sym.diff(u(t), t, t) + w**2*u(t) def residual_discrete_eq(u): """Return the residual of the discrete eq. with u inserted.""" R = DtDt(u, dt) + w**2*u(t) - f return sym.simplify(R) def residual_discrete_eq_step1(u): """Return the residual of the discrete eq. at the first step with u inserted.""" half = sym.Rational(1,2) R = u(t+dt) - u(t) - dt*V - \ half*dt**2*f.subs(t, 0) + half*dt**2*w**2*I R = R.subs(t, 0) # t=0 in the rhs of the first step eq. return sym.simplify(R) def DtDt(u, dt): """Return 2nd-order finite difference for u_tt. u is a symbolic Python function of t. """ return (u(t+dt) - 2*u(t) + u(t-dt))/dt**2 def main(u): """ Given some chosen solution u (as a function of t, implemented as a Python function), use the method of manufactured solutions to compute the source term f, and check if u also solves the discrete equations. """ print ('=== Testing exact solution: %s ===' % u(t)) print ("Initial conditions u(0)=%s, u'(0)=%s:" % \ (u(t).subs(t, 0), sym.diff(u(t), t).subs(t, 0))) # Method of manufactured solution requires fitting f global f # source term in the ODE f = sym.simplify(ode_source_term(u)) # Residual in discrete equations (should be 0) print ('residual step1:', residual_discrete_eq_step1(u)) print ('residual:', residual_discrete_eq(u)) def linear(): def u_e(t): """Return chosen linear exact solution.""" # General linear function u_e = c*t + d # Initial conditions u(0)=I, u'(0)=V require c=V, d=I return V*t + I main(u_e) def quadratic(): # Extend with quadratic functions b = sym.Symbol('b') # arbitrary constant in quadratic term def u_e(t): return b*t**2 + V*t + I main(u_e) def cubic(): a, b = sym.symbols('a b') main(lambda t: a*t**3 + b*t**2 + V*t + I) def solver(I, V, f, w, dt, T): """ Solve u'' + w**2*u = f for t in (0,T], u(0)=I and u'(0)=V, by a central finite difference method with time step dt. f(t) is a callable Python function. """ dt = float(dt) Nt = int(round(T/dt)) u = np.zeros(Nt+1) t = np.linspace(0, Nt*dt, Nt+1) u[0] = I u[1] = u[0] - 0.5*dt**2*w**2*u[0] + 0.5*dt**2*f(t[0]) + dt*V for n in range(1, Nt): u[n+1] = 2*u[n] - u[n-1] - dt**2*w**2*u[n] + dt**2*f(t[n]) return u, t import as nt def test_quadratic_exact_solution(): # Transform global symbolic variables to functions and numbers # for numerical computations global b, V, I, w b, V, I, w = 2.3, 0.9, 1.2, 1.5 global f, t u_e = lambda t: b*t**2 + V*t + I # compute with b, V, I, w as numbers f = ode_source_term(u_e) # fit source term f = sym.lambdify(t, f) # turn to numerical Python function dt = 2./w u, t = solver(I=I, V=V, f=f, w=w, dt=dt, T=3) u_e = u_e(t) error = np.abs(u - u_e).max() nt.assert_almost_equal(error, 0, delta=1E-12) print ('Error in computing a quadratic solution:', error) if __name__ == '__main__': linear() quadratic() cubic() test_quadratic_exact_solution()