Exam preparation

The final individual exam (6th of December) counts 60% of the grade in the course. The questions on the exam will mainly relate to the theoretical part of the course. It is hence vital to prepare by following the theoretical lectures, reading the associated mandatory readings, and doing exercises. Below, you'll find old exams,a set of exercises that you can work with to prepare, and an overview of the lectures.

Previous exams

  • Exam 2020 (format closest to this years format)
  • Exam 2019 (expect less of the short-answer-type of questions on this years exam)
  • Exam 2018 (expect less of the short-answer-type of questions on this years exam)


Summary and exam preparation lecture






2. Information systems and socio-complexity



Example exam question(s)

  • What do we mean when we say that information systems are socio-technical? Discuss how this perspective can be of benefit when understanding failure, success, and challenges in digitalization projects.

3. Platform Ecosystems - fundamental concepts



Example exam question(s)

  • What is the difference between transaction platforms and innovation/software platforms? Name some examples of both types.
  • Name an example of a platform ecosystem and discuss how it meets the definition and characteristics of a platform ecosystem using all concepts you see relevant from the course literature (e.g., architecture, multi-sidedness, boundary resources, competitive advantage, network effects, etc.)
  • Explain what is meant by modularization, and discuss how modularization is related to software platform architectures.
  • What do we mean by network effects and how is this concept relevant to platforms?
  • What do we mean when we say that platforms are multi-sided?

4. Governance in Platform Ecosystems



Example exam question(s)

  • What do we mean by platform governance, and what are key challenges related to governance in platform ecosystems?
  • Boundary resource is an important concept in the platform literature. Provide some examples of boundary resources for the DHIS2 software, and discuss their role in enabling and controlling design and innovation. You can use examples from the project work.
  • What do we mean by platform forking?

5. Enterprise Software Platform Ecosystems



Example exam question(s)

  • What do we mean by platform strategy, and why do vendors of generic enterprise software solutions (such as SAP and DHIS2) adopt such a strategy?

6. Platforms in the Public Sector

Obs! Unfortunately, the sound is lacking in the first half of the lecture - however, reading the article should be sufficient in preparing for the exam. 


Example exam question(s)

  • Give an example of how the platform architecture can be applied in the public sector. Relate this to other elements or concepts from the course (boundary resources, types of platforms..)
  • Why would the government (or some other public sector actor) want a publicly controlled platform for welfare technologies?


Published Aug. 26, 2021 9:59 AM - Last modified Nov. 25, 2021 12:51 PM